=DG's Welcome...

Welcome to =DG's blog. Take a look around and check out the blogs. Participate in the polls and check out the pics and vids!
Remember Jesus Loves You...and so do i!

Who =DG is...

My photo
Maryland, United States
A Christian...A Believer in Jesus Christ...A Music Lover...A Lover in General...A Son...A Brother...A Musician...A Singer...A Producer...An Artist...A World Class Driver...A Director...A Stageplay Actor...A Teacher...A Leader...A Genuine Friend...A Supporter...A Promoter...A Boyfriend...A Big Brother...A Lover of Christian Music...A Supporter of the Arts...A Life Poured Out and Submitted Unto Christ! An Original...=DG

What =DG Reads...

“But as for me, I will sing of Your mighty strength and power; Yes, I will sing joyfully of Your lovingkindness in the morning; For You have been my stronghold And a refuge in the day of my distress.” -Psalm 59:16

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Sponsor a Child in Jesus Name with Compassion

Monday, December 13, 2010

Your Purpose in Life

Peter Drucker, a management specialist who works with major corporations, says that you only need to answer two questions to stay on track:

Question #1: What is my business?

Question #2: How is business?

It is amazing how many business and individuals start out with focus and purpose and get sidetracked, eventually failing because they lose their direction. In the New Testament, the Christian life is likened to a race in which the runner fixes his eyes on the Lord and runs patiently, turning neither to the left of the right.

The Old Testament stresses the same thing. Solomon, who knew alot about human nature, wrote, 'Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right of the left.' (Proverbs 4:25-27)

As we approach the end of the year, its time to take inventory. Remember those resolutions you made at the beginning of the year? What kind of year has it been for you? Lots of people go through life with no personal goals whatsoever. They take the path of least resistance, making survival their primary objective.

A life of significance means you know what life is about and you go beyond the level of fame, money or achievement. That's where a spiritual purpose comes into the picture.

Purpose in life must include a relationship with the Creator. Jesus stated the purpose of His life when He said, 'The thief's purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness' (John 10:10 TLB)

Anyone can see that a lot of promises of happiness that the world makes are like thieves that take our time, our money, and our joy, but leave us empty and sad. Again Jesus said, 'For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost' (Luke 19:10).

What's your level of living, friend? Survival, success, or significance? Do you see a relationship between Christ's coming to Earth and your purpose in life? It's there. It's the Bethlehem connection that can give you a reason for living and make life significant no matter what your income or status.

Resource Reading: John 10:1-21

(Excerpt from: Tomorrow Starts Today by Harold Sala

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Cost for Forgiveness

The most striking Christmas card I have received in years came from this past season. The headline read: 'History is Crowded With Men Who Would Be Gods' Underneath were the images of nine powerful historical figures: Alexander the Great, Tutankhamen, Julius Ceasar, Maharishs Yogi, Adolf Hitler, Vladmir Lenin, Napoleon Bonaparte, Gautama Buddha and Mao Tse-tung. Who would deny that these individuals aspired to reign as gods with supreme power and authority?
What made the card unique was the message inside which read: 'But Only One God Who Would Be Man.' Underneath was a reproduction of a Dutch painting depecting the infant Jesus in the manger with Mary and Joseph looking on.
The record of Scripture is profound and clear. God the father loved teh world so much that He gave His only Son. Think about that for a moment. God, the Son, willingly laid aside His role as God, gve us His seat at the right hand of the Father, to be born of human flesh. God became man completely human, completely normal.
It is here that the whole issue stretches our understanding, because being completely human and completly God means something marvelous, something supernatureal. Paul expains how Jesus laid aside His excercise of deity to become man in Phillippians 2.
Was Jesus ike us in the sense that He was tempted and torn, at times, between right and wrong? The record says He was in every way tempted as we are, yet without sin. As man He was capable of sinning, but He was also able not to sin-which gives us hope as well.
Many men would be gods, but only one God chose to be man. Amazing, yet true. John adds that 'whoever believes in him shall not perish [or be lost] but have eternal life' (John 3:16) That's the bottom line.

Resource Reading: John 1:1-12


Tuesday, November 30, 2010


What's up people! Long time no hear from...I know, I know! Its been a while!
I'm sorry!!! I just been extra busy! Lol!
So catch up time!
Let's start with today! Well, Ashley's single 'Changed' officially dropped today. The hard copy and the iTunes version are now in rotation around the state and ultimately the world!!!! (Calming down now!)
I'm really excited! Its my first product that I have ever produced! So I'm pumped! It sounds good...of course, as a perfectionist I would have done things differently lol, but its done now, so why bother! Lol!
Secondly, I have a shirt on that says 'Burn DC'! Got a lot of different looks and questions! The Youth Pastor from Deep Waters (the Youth and Young Adult Ministry of Immanuel Church) said it would raise a lot of questions. Well, it means that we want the Consuming Fire of the Holy Spirit to come and burn up DC! And Laurel! And Bowie! And Baltimore! So this shirt allows me the opportunity to possibly tell people about Christ and what the consuming fire is, and explain why I wanna see DC on fire!
...Um, ok I gotta cut it short! Kinda busy and I have to finish some things! So see ya!

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

...Weekly Update 10.23.10...

Ok, so there's a hole in front of my house! Random, I know! However true! I was sleep last night, resting myself for church this morning, when my mom came in my room and told me to wake up and hurry up!!! 'You need to move your car! Its flooding!' Well, it wasn't raining! Sooooo, how is it flooding! I looked outside and saw water rushing down the street and a flooding pace! Wow!!! So I put on some sweats and a left shoe and a right shoe (two different shoes) and a t-shirt, along with a skull cap and ran outside. Still confused about what's going on, I ran downstairs to hear my mom saying hurry up move your car!!! I'm like 'yo, ok! I'm coming!!'
I found out that it was a water main burst. I was like wow! As I ran outside to move my car up the street, I saw the road had cracked, the sidewalk was broken and water was, well...everywhere! It was crazy! Thank God the rest of the family was awake! When I woke up this morning, we had no water and there was a huge hole, two of them. They were filled with water! It was crazy!
In other news! Had an awesome saturday! Early in the morning we had a AV training in Ellicott City! Opened my eyes to so much! I'm so glad I went and was able to experience it with my team! Jason, Mike and Ashley are the greatest! We all learned something, which is great!
We left there and went to a gun range out near Ft. Meade, MD! We celebrated Mike's Bday! Bro. Beresford hosted it! It was awesome! Firstly, Bro. Beresford is our director of security at New Life and he is the president of his own security company. Well because of this he has like a rack of guns! Lol! So, I got the chance to shoot guns! Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet! Lol! We had a ball! I don't think anybody has to worry about me buying a gun or going on a shooting spree! My right hand is still shaking! However, I had a blast!
Lastly, Ashley and I spent a night together at Famous Daves and in her basement working on music! I love spending time with Marie, she is thee greatest!!
Today's service was awesome! New Life is really going somewhere! Check out the website www.nlccministry.org!
Ok, I'm about to go to bed! Gotta do a training tomorrow morning! Not looking forward to it! At all, however I have to because, as my supervisor says, its 'duties as assigned'. Anywho...goodnight world! Remember, Jesus Loves you! And as my pastor says 'Don't let the Noise Distract You...'

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Friday, October 8, 2010


Yo, sitting here in Five Guys, I decided to update you all on things that's going on!
Weeeeeelllll (in my Antoine Voice), Ashley's single is done and packaged and ready to go. Were preparing now for the single release night. I'm so excited! When I saw the case for it, I believe I was more excited than she was. Its amazing to see the finished product of something that you have been working on! It feels so great! And it sounds awesome! My lil sister Jordan Matthews did the cover photography and Kachi Uzoma put her finishing touches to the case and made It an awesome looking product! Its great and I can't wait for you all to see it! Keep December 3rd in your mind! That's the release date, more info coming!
Oh yeah...my book! Reconciling Hope: Evening Review! I'm still working on it and I'm working to have it done by the Spring/Summer of 2011! I'm so excited and I am really passionate about finishing this! I know you all will love it! Messages straight from God and through experience. There's gonna be a lil vote on facebook concerning the Hope Logo. I have a number of logo designs that I have done that I want YOU to pick from. More details coming.
Ugh, let's see what else...oh yeah LiveFree Conference 2011. The dates are March 18th and 19th 2011 at the Set the Captives Free Outreach Center in Windsor Mill, MD. Formall the Freedom Worship Night Series, this is gonna be a powerpacked weekend. More info coming on that too! That is going to be too exciting! Whooooo!
Ok, I got some more stuff, but I gotta go! I love you all! And encouraging one another w/ Hope! Its contagious! Peace!

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

...Reconciling Hope: Evening Reviews...9.22.10

Well, its been a minute since I wrote on my blog.
I almost forgot how beneficial to the mind this is. Allowing one to write out there thoughts and there opinions for public view. Some say its too much and allows people to get into your life.
Well I believe that blogging allows people to boldly express themselves.
So, I'm going to start blogging HARD again!
I wanted to start this nightly series called Reconciling Hope: Nightly Reviews.
Its a nightly composition of my thoughts and opinions about hope. I feel as a people we are losing hope. We are losing our faith, and diverting our trust to another. The world seems to have been put in a position to choose. Rather to proper and strive in a dwindling economy lawfully, or unlawfully. With Lies, or with Truth. Without God, or with Him.
Our trust seems to have shifted on things that are tangible. Things that are able to be felt, able to be grabbed, able to held. The earth is seeking something to give comfort, something to put their confidence in. Yet I feel that Hope has been hidden to the world. I feel that because of a lack practical evangelism hope has been hoarded by the church. We have the solution. We hold the answer to the problems of the world, however our fear has become our biggest weapon that the enemy uses to deter us from becoming what we are called to be: Ministers of Reconciliation. It is an act of selfishness and pride. We must give our hope! Hope must live and must be given. It cannot only be given in the church house, but outside the church. Hope should be passed out just as much as love.
These nightly reviews will be my personal way to spread hope and reconcile it back to its rightful owners: Gods Children.
Help me spread hope! More info to come soon! Everyone Counts is making moves to spread that hope! If you want to be apart of this movement, let me know. Send an email to everyonecounts@setapart4lyfe.com and we will get with you.
Reconcile Hope! Let's Go!
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Saturday, August 21, 2010

...Evening Randomness...

Man, I haven't done a random evening moment in a while! I guess I will do it now! (Smile)
So presently, I'm laying here in the room, with nothing more than a bittersweet feeling overcoming me.
Had a great day! Got a lot of work done day! The church website project is near completion (hey by the way follow them on twitter @nlccministry). I sent so many emails and had so many meetings this week! I'm like wow! Well that sweet feeling of accomplishment is, as stated, bittersweet. For a couple reasons.
Firstly, my little sister is leaving to go to school soon. She is going to Frostburg U. Ugh, its so far away! I'm so happy for her! Its gonna be fun, I know! But I would be lying if I said I wasnt going to miss her. I miss her already and I just saw her! Newho! On a more spiritual note, I believe its time for consecration. I feel a lil like I'm in a rut, but I know how to get out. That's the importance of prayer and fasting. So, I'm on it! Getting the fasting and praying going on! It would help get me back to my place!
Ok random thought of the day: I'm sleepy! Goodnight people!
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Saturday, August 14, 2010

...Full Weekend...

What's up guys! I'm sitting in Ashley's house waiting for her to get dressed (again) so we can head over to pick up Antwan and then do a photoshoot! Mind you I am not working on a full nights sleep! Manifested Glory ministered last night at BWI Hilton! 1e sang for the Greater MD's Youth Gathering Place! It was awesome! What a presence!
The only downside (and its not really a downside, but for lack of better words) is that it was a late night event. It was supposed to start at 11 after the main service! They started around that time, and it moved along. I guess I was just tired that's all. All in all, it was great! I loved spending time w/ the MG Fam.
Ok, so back to this photo shoot! My lil homegirl Jordan Matthews is going to shoot Antwan, Ashley and I for her photo day! Its pretty exciting! Her company, Nameless Photography is up and coming and surely making waves in her field! I'm very excited also because I'm sharing the lens with my two closest friends and worship leaders Antwan Simmons and Ashley Harris.
I'm putting together a newsletter specifically designed for worship leaders! This will be the first article! I'm pumped, more info to come about that!
Not done this weekend yet, gotta sing with Antwan right after we have our session then. Hitting in Pasadena,MD for a Youth Gospel Hip Hop Symposium featuring The Ambassador! PUMPED!
Then a bday celebration for a young lady in my church! She is turning 21! Gonna be fun tonight. After that...
After that, lol some more stuff!
Holy Spirit Conference at my church is starting this Sunday Morning until Tuesday evening. Dr. Nasir Siddiki is coming. Awesome speaker and teacher! Can't wait to learn more revelation about the Holy Spirit. Should be great!
Aight bout to head out (well about to yell to Ashley 'Come on we late')
Blog ya lada!

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Friday, August 6, 2010


I'm in the bed a little fearful of the future! I can't stop what I'm doing, as a matter of fact its getting worse! Just need prayer! Please :(
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Lord, grant me patience in this season! Patience with people, patience with your promises, patience with the change that is happening in me!
That's where I am right now! God has me in a place of patience!
I am having to be patient with people when patience doesn't seem a fair option.
I'm patiently waiting for promises in the Word of God to be fulfilled! Manifested in my life, my family, my church and all around me.
Most importantly I'm waiting for a change to happen in me! I know its not me that makes that change but it is God (Phil.2:13)! So, that is where my faith kicks in!
Lord me grant me a greater measure of faith. Faith to trust in You to do what you said You would do in me. Forgive me for losing faith. Maybe not with mouth service, saying 'I have lost faith'. But allowing spirits of doubt and contentment to set in. For this I apologize. Forgive me for not casting those spirits down! I will continue to work my faith and become more faithful! I love You...and I'm glad that You love me too! I Jesus' name!


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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Peculiar People - Undisputed

<a href="http://peculiarpeople.bandcamp.com/track/undisputed">Undisputed by Peculiar People</a>

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Today i leave to go back home from Richmond, VA. For the last couple days I was privilaged to stay at the prestigious Jefferson Hotel. It was beautiful. I loved every minute of it! I was also honored to spend some time with the team i work with everyweek. The Leadership Team of New Life Christian Center.

As apart of the leadership team, one weekend a year we go and take a break from it all, and get refreshed together. Enjoying one anothers company and being refreshed.

We had a great time! We were also encouraged in the word to be stong when leading.

I needed this time. It felt good not to work for a bit. I cant complain. I also found out that my team is full of comedians, bowling stars, undercover law enforcement officers and track stars w/ boots! HA HA HA!

Such a great time.

I also learned about myself. I'm not perfect. I have imperfections. I have flaws. I do fall, i do fail...but God restores! I sin...but God is faithful! I am flawed but with Christ I am BEING perfected. Thank You Lord for your mercy! How about it huh? The Love of God! Its amazing to me! I am so greatful for Gods love!

Well gotta go...bout to head to rehearsal with MG!

Love yall and...



Friday, June 11, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

...Day 3: Absolute Surrender...

...a good conscience is complete obdeience to God day by day, and fellowhip with God everyday in his Word, and prayer...that is a life of absolute surrender.

Such a life has two sides. On the one side, absolute surrender to work what God wants you to do; on the other side, to let God work what He wants to do...

Congrats to my lil sister on her High School Graduation!

I love you sis!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

...evening randomness...

So Im sitting here at Fridays in Greenbelt with the True Worship Experience Movement and supporters! We just came from a great event ironically called 'The Worship Experience' out in Fort Washington, MD. Whats sucks is on the way here my car started to overheat. Well not too bad but it is was getting hotter then it usually should be. Ugh Blown to say the least.

Well ladies and gents I am in 'the moment'! This is 'the moment' where God in His way strategically needs me to wait and trust in Him. I need to go ahead and get that fixed (which takes money) car insurance due (which takes even more money) and another pressing payment (which...yeah u guessed it...takes money)

I'm in the moment where my trust is tested and my faith is tried. Natrually, I dont have it but i know that God will provide.

He is Jehovah Jireh-My provider.

I been studying the name of Yahweh and learned that Jehovah is latin for Yahweh. Yahweh which is the name ' I AM', that translates into Yahweh or Jehovah or I AM Jireh/ Provider. So God is just confirming to me that ' I AM your Provider'

Thank You Lord!

I just have to believe that it will happen for me!

Not to worry but to just keep God first and trust Him with this. He knows and understands and He will Provide.

Thank You Lord for being I AM!


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Freedom 'A Night of Liberating Worship' 2Cor.3:12 Feat.Devin Gray & Set Apart, Amos St. Jean, Ashley Marie and More! 7.17.10

 Join us for an Exciting Night of Worship @
A Night of Liberating Worship
July 17, 2010
Held @
Set the Captives Free Outreach Center
7111 Windsor Blvd.
Windsor Mill, Maryland
Doors Open at 6:15p
Liberation Begins at 7:00pm
Admission is only $5
Children 10 and under are Free
For Group Rates please email us at
Come celebrate the Freedom of Jesus Christ with Worship Leaders
-Devin Gray and Set Apart
-Amos St. Jean
-Ashley Marie
-Jonathan Ball
...also hear an inspiring word from...
Minister. Bruce Goodwin Jr.
Pastor Aaron Hannah
Help us be a light to those who are less fortunate by donating to...
Every 1 Counts
An outreach intiative sponsored by Devin Gray and Set Apart developed to bring resources and funding to
organizations and shelters all over state of Maryland.
Set Apart is a ministry that believes in giving back and sharing the love of our Lord Jesus Christ with those who need it most,
...The least of these...(Matthew 25:33-40)...
We are in need of:
-Fresh Towels
-White socks (no dye)
-White T-Shrits (unisex)
-Canned Goods
-Monetary Donations
(Please note that all items must be new items)
As an added incentive, those who bring in something to donate to Every1Counts will recieve a $2 discount.
...you have to chance to give back to your community and be apart of an awesome night of worship for only...
Lets Do it!
Do you wanna be apart?
Hey if you want to be apart of this movement in any way,
please contact us via email at
We are looking to have an awesome time in the Lord and worshiping the Lord our God in the Freedom that was given to us!
Won't You Join us?!
Bring you families...
...Youth Groups...
and enjoy the Lord with us!
For more information or group rates for admission, please email us at
God Bless,
Set Apart 4 Lyfe!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

...just checkin' in...

Hey Blog world...

Long time no hear from right?...I know! I have been major busy in ministry! But God is good and He is faithful! I pray all is well with everyone!

Well some exciting things coming up...

My man, Antwan Simmons and fam (Manifested Glory) is embarking on their first live recording in Baltimore, MD. July 31, 2010 will be the date. I will post more information up as soon as I get it. I promise!!!! lol

Also, um, oh yeah Ashley's birthday is coming up! And her graduation is coming up on this coming friday (21st May). I'm so proud of her! She has toiled and went through...now we can sing like Johnny (J. Nelson) said it "The struggle is over...The struggle is over...for you" well, for 'her'! So, um yeah...

Lets see what else here...ugh, oh yeah Rotoya Williams and the True Worship Experience Movement's First Live album is dropping Tuesday, August 17, 2010! I came from a session on yesterday and things are coming along! We are excited about it and God is really moving. We are doing a release concert shortly thereafter, so I will post information on the blog when I get it! The Movement is also sponsoring a Worship Conference called The Sound of Worship. September 17th and 18th. and yes...more information will be posted when I get it! Geez...stop asking me that!

And oh yeah, remember that Freedom thing Set Apart did a couple of months ago in January! Nothing big, just DELIVERANCE and AWESOME WORSHIP and FREEEEEEEEEEDOM! Yeah that thing...


Its back! My next blog will host ALLLLLLL the information! So stay tuned this week!

Ok, im gone!

Love you guys! For life...


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

...comic relief...

Hey we all need a laugh or two, or three...or alot!

Here are a couple to keep you going!

Q: Name the four seasons.
A: Salt, pepper, mustard, and vinegar.

Q: Explain one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink.
A: Flirtation makes water safe to drink because it removes large pollutants like grit, sand, dead sheep and canoeists.

Q: How is dew formed?
A: The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire.

Q: How can you delay milk turning sour? (brilliant, love this!)
A: Keep it in the cow.

Q: What causes the tides in the oceans?
A: The tides are a fight between the Earth and the Moon. All water tends to flow towards the moon, because there is no water on the moon, and nature hates a vacuum. I forget where the sun joins in this fight.

Q: What are steroids?
A: Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs.

Q: What happens to your body as you age?
A: When you get old, so do your bowels and you get intercontinental.

Q: What happens to a boy when he reaches puberty?
A: He says good-bye to his boyhood and looks forward to his adultery.

Q: Name a major disease associated with cigarettes.
A: Premature death.

Q: How are the main parts of the body categorized? ( e.g., abdomen)
A: The body is consisted into three parts -- the brainium, the borax and the abdominal cavity. The brainium contains the brain; the borax contains the heart and lungs, and the abdominal cavity contains the five bowels A, E, I, O, and U.

Q: What is the fibula?
A: A small lie.

Q: What does "varicose" mean? (I do love this one...)
A: Nearby.

Q: Give the meaning of the term "Caesarian Section."
A: The Caesarian Section is a district in Rome.

Q: What does the word "benign" mean?
A: Benign is what you will be after you be eight

Sunday, April 25, 2010

...evening random-ness...

Well Im sitting here with proactive on my face, typing this blog. Im a lil pooped out. Had a long weekend already. Spent last night in church at Edified Christian Ministries International (Largo, MD) for their 11th Church and Pastoral Anniversary. Friday Night Bishop Frank Summerfield, from Releigh, NC, came and spoke. He was awesome, and he literally changed my life! Wow!

Then this morning I attended my church's Leadership Team Meeting. We are preparing our Evegelistic Team to go deeper into soul winning. Im so thankful for a pastor whose heart is turned toward God, and who has a passion for seeing souls redeemed back to Christ. Thank God for my MINISTRY (Thanks Bishop Summerfield).

Then Set Apart ministered today at Art Alive 2010 sponsored by The Purpose and Potential Arts Academy of Baltimore, Maryland. We had an awesome time worshipping with the youth of the city, and participating in praise.  Let us continue to pray for our youth and pray that God would strengthen and establish them for ministry.

I spent some time with my lady and just had a great time having fun! Walking the mall, having dinner and chillin' (sleeping) at the crib! Love growing relationships.

Tomorrow my man William McMillian Jr. Is speaking at Rehobeth Ministries COGIC at their 2pm service. (15950 North Ave. Lisbon, MD) Should be an awesome time! I know it will as a matter of fact. Im proud of Will (aka Lil Mac) and thankful for God using him in music ministry. Great things are to come...

Ok, Im tired now and the proactive is drying up on my face! Goodnight and sweet dreams to all the world!

Remember Jesus Loves You!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

...freedom 7.10.10...

We are adding some different things in order to guage interest and bringthis generation together.
Such as:

Freedom Cry-
a united group of youth and young adults who have the passionto change the world and positively effect this generation. Freedom Cry willbe the voice of this generation (Isaiah 58:1)Our goal os to bring together a praise and worship choir of approx. 75voices. We will be learning praise and worship songs and performing them onthat night in July. In our time together we will also be training worshipleaders, gearing our youth towards change and admonishing the Lord God inworship and praise.It is our goal and mission to spiritually birth and build and mature an armythat specializes in spiritual warfare against the enemy. Strong enough tobring down strongholds, dependent enough to depend on God for strength anddirection.We believe that Freedom Cry is what this region needs. A remnant that willnot bow, nor break. But an army of strong and courageous believers in JesusChrist who do not mind Crying out and being the voice crying out to God toFREE this generation.

Every1Counts Outreach Campaign-
Every1Count is an outreach initiative geared to helping those in ned who areoften overlooked.Our ministry is a needs based ministry that specializes in helping differentorganizations and Help-Based Ministries all around Maryland.Here is how it works:We have an list compiled of organizations and help-based ministries that wecontact on a regular basis. Because we do not have a lot of funding rightnow, we do our ministry by works; meaning where we go, we get! Ouradministrator for E1C is Amber Foy. Her job is simple. She contacts thesedifferent outreach centers and organizations and she gets a guage of whatthey are in need of.We then take hat information and we make it known to the public. Throughsocial media such as YouTube, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Blogs and word ofmouth we can efficiently spread the word about the lack that occurs in thesemuch needed organizations.We then place the call. Most concerts we sing at, if allowed we make awareof our effort to help those in need. We then set up stations and tables togather the materials.After a certain amount of time or a time-being sufficient amount ofmaterials, we seperate and give to the several organizations. Any monetarydonations are seperated evenly and given to these outreach organizations.Then the cycle starts over again.Within the near future we have plans to acquire grants and funding fromsponsorship!We believe in looking out for the '...least of these...'! For those who areless fortunate. For those who may never see Set Apart live, or may neverhave money to buy a cd. And even those with lesser needs. Such as bathingand everyday liberties that we live with everyday. These organizations thatare operating by faith need help to stay open. Every1Counts focuses onsupporting those in need by supporting those who give their resources tohelp.We one day do want to own a center where we can do ministry such as this ona regular basis. We believe it can work, and we are believing God forresources to sustain this work, because we believe that this is a little wayto establish the kingdom!

Monday, April 19, 2010

...25 Years...

Wow, I am soooo thankful to God for granting me one more year to live. On this past tuesday, the 13th, I celebrated 25 years of life.  (Yup, I'm old) I took the week off to celebrate, however it seemed as if I worked everyday lol! I had an awesome week though. So, thankful for Ashley for doing so much for me. For breakfast, Lunch and Dinner tonight. She has made my birthday week SIMPLY AMAZING!!!  Such a beautiful act of love and friendship she gave, and It is much appreciated.

Random moment: I want to produce a Bluegrass commercial jingle! Who's with me!?!?!? Newho!...

...thanks to all who wished me a happy birthday or birfday, bornday, or day of conceptive beginning (dont ask lol) Your wish came true and I had an awesome time.

Hey, I leave you with this. I been looking over this and this scripture has become the focal point over one of the ministries God has given me. Isaiah 58:1 'Cry Aloud, and Spare Not...' Our voice is the determining factor to this generation. Our lifestyles is what draws them. God's word is what keeps them.  Foolish are we who draw the people and then speak words of flesh and not of life. When given the opportunity, speak. Talk. Conversate. Its as easy as it sounds. Open your mouth and let the Lord fill it, but no one will listen, and no people can change and no generation effected and no nation freed and the world will fail if you don't...talk! Selah!


Saturday, April 10, 2010


I truly LOVE the sunshine. I dont know what about it that makes me so happy or excites me, but everytime I see the sun or the coming of the sun, it brings me joy!

Thank you Lord for the sunshine; for the bright rays or hope, the strong presence of joy and the evervescerance of Love!

Wow, I just described the 'Son-Shine'. God's Son, Jesus Christ can be described the same way.

Thank you God for your Son. For His faithfullness, His Grace and Mercy, His Love, His Liberation...His Life.

I dont know what it is about the Son-Shine, but everytime I think of the son...it brings me joy!


Friday, April 9, 2010


Many have their own definitions for something that is 'beautiful'. When I think of something that is beautiful, i personally think of something more than just outward appearance. Rather something or someone beautiful holds a deeper meaning of beauty.

To a child, beauty is a frigid cold popsicle in a scorching hot summer day. That popsicle holds a meaning more then hunger itself.

To a 18 year old guy, beauty is that 2 door 1996 Pontiac Grand AM. Lightning Blue with the dented bumper and chipped paint (having flash backs). That car represented more than just a outward appreciation, and it goes deeper then teen independence.

To me, theres nothing more beautiful then a 21-yr old young woman who plays the acoustic guitar giving glory to God. (See Above :) Her clear and crisp melodic line along with her sweet sounds coming from the strums of the nylon strings, are just a portion of the beauty that she exudes.

Well what is beauty to the Christian? Beauty is the Cross! Bloody, Detestable, Mortifying! The Cross! Drenched in innocent blood! The Cross! Many would say that the events at Calvary was everything but beautiful. But clearly to me beauty is more then skin deep! More than meets the eye. More then an outward appreciation. The purpose of Christ's sacrifice on the cross was beauty all in itself. He gave His life for my redemption, for my salvation, for my freedom. That is Beauty...inside and out.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

...the least I can do...

Whats up guys...its been like 2 weeks since I last blogged! I was getting withdrawals, lol! However, I have been crazy busy lately. Alot of ministry opportunities and chances to work and establish the kingdom. So...life right now is...well to say the least, busy. I'm moving alot lately, and even now I really have to start evaluating where my time and resources are going. As a christian, a child of God, we must evaluate our actions. We must really evaluate what we do everyday, and see if we are doing them for the work of the church or just work in the church? Get it? Are we working just to keep the church going, or working to truly establish the kingdom of God. Wow! So now, with that being said, my mind is changing. I am putting things in order and rationing my time correctly. First and foremost my first fruits of my time go toward the Lord. Devoting that time to worship and devotions. I've found that doing that allows me to have a 'better' day. Then, as I have learned, everything that I do (and I mean everything) I do as unto the Lord, as an act of worship. So with everything I do, I do as worship. I worship the Lord, with every studio session, with every rehearsal, every meeting, and every email and phone conference. Its ALL worship!...and its my 'reasonable sacrifice (worship). So yeah, though I'm busy doing so many things, i put my activities in perspective and perform my daily tasks as an act of worship unto the Lord. Its just my reasonable service unto God...its the least I can do.

Do yourself a favor, look at your calendar and see what you're doing. Then ask yourself '...have I done these things as an act of worship, unto the Lord?' **now ask** '...how can i make _____(fill in the blank) an act of worship unto the Lord?' Let's live worship! not just sing about it!


Monday, March 8, 2010

...evening random-ness...

Living a life of worship! Its more than just something to say, but its a decision to make. I was listening to Pastor Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church and Campuses, and he was speaking about worship. He explained how worship was often catergorized by a genre of music or an outward expression displayed inside of a church. Our society has tuned our mind to think that. Worship is not JUST that, but worship, as Pastor Driscoll tells it, is so vast and it embodies the life of a christian as a whole. Everything we do is and is related to some type of worship. Meaning everything i do from when I wake up to when i fall asleep at night is tied to worship.

He further explained that we were created beings, with the mindset to worship. So the question is not 'will we worship...' rather 'what will we worship...?' Or whom?

As i listened to the awesome teaching of this man of God, he let those know his philosphy of worship and life. I will never forget this and even until this day I use this as my uplifting and driving force. He says if everybody would go into each thing they do as it was a part of worship, life would be such much better.' Everything we do is worship and related to worship. And if we approach everything that we do knowing that it was a form of worship, wow...what a awesome and victorious life.

As I began to think about that, i went back to my churches bible study lessons we have been having. Developing the Kingdom. We are on a portion called 'Lordship' Lord meaning master or owner. Usually, as a spirit being covered in this flesh, we allow the Lord to be Lord over 'some' parts of our life! Not all. Which means we do not approach everything we do as an act of worship. When we allow the Lord (our master and owner) to be just that, LORD over our lives than everything we do, will be acceptable worship.

'...presnt yoursleves a living sacrifice. Holy acceptable which is your reasonable service.' Another translation says '...which is your accaptable worship' Hey, your worship is your life. We are created to worship and seek after something. He is calling for true worshippers, right? Inversely, there are some false worshippers around, worshipping something other than the true and living God. In psalms 24:6 the word says that '...this is the generation that seek Him...' Him, meaning God. Our Lord. This generation seeks Him, some have not. Let us be apart of that generation that seeks the face of the Lord. Shall we...? Let us worship with our life. In everything we do (Col 3:17).

Love you all!


Sunday, March 7, 2010

...evening random-ness...

Well, Im just getting in from a long day, and a great night. Today was pretty eventful. Woke up and had to take my car to the shop. Took the car there and walked back home. Did some laundry and work around the house. Then walked it back to get my car. Brought it home and put on my wheelcovers (hubcaps) because my other ones messed up. Ok, how about i went down the street, hit one bump and already one had popped off! Blown, not a mile up the street another one comes off! SUPERBLOWN! So I end up taking all of them off, lol!

After all the prior foolishness, i traveled down to Odenton, MD to Living Waters Church...where I worshipped with my homeboi Brandon Camphor and my fam Oneway! They held their benefit concert tonight and it was amazing. The night had Alex Holt and Free Worship, who are absolutely amazing! Lokus Rd. A new group based out of Living Waters Church. Bona, a sweetheart with the heart of God! Awesome Worship Leader! One of my favorite Worship Leaders now, William McDowell! He is the writer of the awesome song 'I Give Myself Away' which he ministered tonight! All I got to say is that the churched was bowed down with their '...hearts over their head...'! What an awesome ministry. Besides the two charasmatic and worship filled MC's (Curtis Jones, Jermaine Dolly) the only other ministry to mention is...well ONEWAY! And they do it again! What an awesome fresh sound! Wow...and their band sounded better than I have ever heard them! Like Wow! Joshua Davies is a great musical director. My man William McMillian who chilled with me tonight, and I both said that Joshua is definately whats next. He is '..that guy!'

Also, I was so proud of My man Will. Not only for the opportunity to play on Jonathan Nelson's latest live recording. But Will wrote some music for Oneway and they ministered it tonight. It was Dope!

Such a great night of worship and change.  Isn't that how it should be? A difference. When one comes in contact with the presence of the Lord, they cannot; let me repeat CANNOT leave the same way they came. It just cant happen! Not at all!  I can truly say that I felt the presence of the Lord tonight and that it truly touched me, and presented me with some things to give up, or give away!

Ok, so i am sleepy now! Im going to get to bed! I love you all and I pray you remember that Jesus Loves you too! Until next times...


Thursday, March 4, 2010

...Freedom Benefit Concert Pictures...

These are just some of the pictures. I will give you all the link to the rest of them at a later date! God Bless you all! Freedom Cry 2010 is coming July 2010. Get Ready to worship w/ Set Apart once again!
Hey contact SA @:
...Invade our space...
...poke us...
...and for more information about Freedom Cry 2010 or for booking of Set Apart at your next event, email us at setapartbooking@gmail.com (Attn: Christina Summerville, PGM)
Love you all, Peace!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

...self-control campaign...

So, for some time now (and some time into the future) I have decided to work on my self-control. Now, some would ask what about self are you controlling? Well, im glad you asked, lol! In the past few weeks a spirit that was put to rest a while ago in my life, tried to resurrect its ugly head in my life, and I had to cast it down. The spirit of peversion and lust tried to uproot itself in my life. Knowing the authority I have, I casted it down and prayed to set things straight. I decided then that I needed to start a self-control campaign for myself.

In my decision to do so, i realized that this spirit didn't just come up from nothing, but it was trigered by something. So I sat back and I thought.."what is it that is in my life that is allowing this spirit to creep back in?"

Well, I went over my daily routine and found a couple ways in which the enemy tried to creep in.
Firstly, i love hulu.com! lol! That is like the only thing I do during my breaks while snacking. I watch the tv shows that I missed and cruise the past shows that I have not seen before. But there were some shows that God convicted me on. Now these shows didn't have nudity or much bad language, however some episodes I saw had mentions of sexual acts, therefore quietly entering my mind and making room there.

Secondly, Ash and I like seeing movies. We make it our business not to see movies that are unGodly, or movies that are demonic or have demonic relevance. We pick our movies carefully. With our strict criteria we dont have much to choose from. As a matter of fact, we only see 'love' movies or as I call them 'chic flicks' lol! However, even with those movies...there were certain love scenes and mentions of sexual acts that a christian should not partake in. Geez!

Thirdly, I work in an office with 2 men and a woman. I love my co-workers. They literally help me through the day. They know my faith, and I have even invited them to my christian events. As a matter of fact they do come. However, they are not saved yet, and sometimes there conversation can be raunchy. Not too much. They do respect me and keep things low, but I can still hear them, and those words become thoughts in my mind.

All these things partnered together, can make for a creeping in (unaware) of the spirit of perversion in the mind. So....

Here I am...free from those thoughts and desires...because I know the freedom of Christ, and the authority I have in me from salvation and having the light of Christ within my life. However, I do not trust my flesh. As a matter of fact, my spirit man fights against it daily. So, with this self-control campaign I'm on, I am monitoring all I watch and listen to. My association and my conversation around me. Daily, I will mortify this flesh, in order to deter (not stop) the enemy's plans to destroy me. Believe me, the enemy would love it best to kill me, however even when stopped for this season, I know he will be back. So I keep my defences up and strong. I'll be stronger when he gets back.

Even with this self-control campaign, I am controlling other areas of my life.

1)My Finances- Monitoring my spending, creating a budget. Buying only things that I need, and not want. Saving properly. Continuing to tithe and sew into the local ministries. Giving abundantly and cheerfully.

2)My Idol Time- Controlling my down time. Binding up procrastination and slowfullness. Making every moment count. Eliminating time not doing anything.

3)My Prayer Time and Worship- Usually I pray in the morning and do my daily devotions in the evening. But my days are longer now a days, and it makes me tired to stay up and worship. I don't want to short change my Lord, so I decided to do the my prayer time and worship at the same time. That means waking up early and sacrificing my being comforatble for the worship of the Lord

Controlling my flesh, will allow me to control other areas of my life, therefore allowing me to be a better Christian. Doing this will allow me to prosper. As a matter of fact God said in His word that He wants us to prosper (3 John 1:2)...SO LIVE THE LIFE GOD WANTS YOU TO LIVE. Live Free and control your flesh. Mortify your flesh...DAILY! (Romans 8:13)

Remember Jesus Loves You!...and nothing can take that away!