My Romans 8:13 Moment:
Today I surrender to my saviour my fleshly desires. I surrender my eye gates and my ear gates to you, that you may be the border patrols that monitor that which I see and hear. God, I surrender to you all impure thoughts, as well as spirits of lust and perversion. I most definately do not want anything to enter into my spirit that is against you, or that raises itself up against your name. Your name is greater than any other name, so therefor Lust (being a name) has no authority or power over me and over my life. Neither does the name of perversion, nor the name of impurity. But from my spirit to my mouth I name the name of Jesus Christ, and I name you saviour over my life! Today my daily surrender to you is my fleshly desires. I know you said in your word that if I walk by the flesh I will die and if I try to fulfill the desires of the flesh I shall fail. (Gal. 5:16) So, with this knowledge I will not perish (Hosea 4:6) but I will go forward and walk according to the spirit. I will remember to protect my eyes and what I see and my ears and what I hear. I will also protect my personal space and who I allow close to me. I will be more diligent with whom I am close with (2 Cor. 6:14), with what I say (James 3:1-12), what I do (Col. 3:17) and how I present myself to others (1 Cor. 6:19-20). For I am the temple of the Holy Spirit and my body is Holy, so everything I do must follow suit (1 Peter 1:16).
Finally, Lord I am thankful for your Love, your forgiveness, your grace and your mercy. Thank your for your Fresh baked, straight out the Holy Oven Benefits that you've presented me today (Psalms 68:19), I appreciate them.
Lord you are Great, and Greatly to be praised. Thank You Lord for your mercy endureth Forever (Psalms 136). I love you and thank you Lord for being my confidence. You're God, I'm not...You do you!
Whoo, that felt Good! Hey you all! I pray all is well! What is your Daily Surrender? What are you giving to God to fix today? Join SA, as we go on our Daily Surrendering Fast, starting December 5 until December 19 Leading right up to our 5th Anniversary Benefit Concert. This is an different fast, which will enable us to document our daily surrenderings and present them to each other as we help each other grow. We want you to fast with us, will you. The details of the fast will be coming up. So stay wit it...lol! I love you guys...you know how to reach me...
Poke Me..........Invade Myspace............Retweet Me.......& SA.......Email me DGray03@gmail.com

Stay tuned for the Sweet Sound 3 coming up! I'm going to be reviewing Hillsong's Latest as well as Jars of Clay. Also check out the vid coming up as well with details about the 5th Anniversary Benefit Concert on December 19, 2009. Benefiting the ministry of Devin Gray and Set Apart. That night is going to be great...its gonna feature Amos St. Jean, Brandon Camphor and Oneway, Micah Smith, Leah Smith, with worship led by Danton Whitley and inspired word coming from both Min. Rotoya Williams and Min. Bruce Goodwin Jr. You really dont wanna miss it! Tickets are $10 and seats are limited. Email devingrayandsetapart.booking@live.com to get reserved seating. (Tickets are available at the door).
Also bring a article of clothing or non perishable foods to support the ministry of EveryOneCounts, a ministry of Set Apart specializing in taking care of the least of these.
Ok, Love yall!