This is How It Feels to Be Free
This is how it feels to be free
to pull my feet out of the dark deep mud of doubt
To brush away the gnat-thoughts that pester me
“you are not enough”
“you are not enough”
“you are not enough"
This is how it feels to be free
To step from hot sun into cool shade
and know that this is where I was meant to be
what I was created to be.
This is how it feels to be free
to strip away guilt like wet clothes
to loose their weight and stand
and dry
and redeemed
This is how it feels to be free
to run
to laugh
to dance
to stop and notice and breathe
To spread my arms wide
and embrace
all that He made me to be
This is how it feels to be free
to not worry what you think of me
to not strive to make you like me
accept me
Love me.
To let His love pour over me
like cool water
on a July afternoon
This is how it feels to be free
to give up all of me
to surrender willingly
all that is inside of me
to be captured in love by the one who died for me
and gives me freedom
This is how it feels to be free
to forget for a moment that I am anything but a child of God
and to stand at his feet in awe
as my mouth
and my heart
and my hands
and my toes
and all of who I am
sings His praises
This is how it feels to be free
...this poem represents the sentiments of my heart. I found this online, but never found the author. Its such a great description of true freedom in Christ. Freedom in Christ, is simply a change in bondage. First being bound in sin, and to the works of the enemy...then to be bound by Christ. A Servant of the Savior. A Slave to God.
Thank God for Freedom...
John 8:31-32
Hit me up! Poke Me, Follow Me (And Set Apart), Invade My personal space and email me at DGray03@gmail.com!
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