Free Indeed!...embracing the past as we Move Forward!
By: Ken Reynolds
I grew up in Church, immersed in Gospel music. My father was the choir director at New Hope Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan for over 20 years. So my childhood years consisted of playing a lot of drums, piano and bass and listening to Gospel music. You could say I was baptized in James Cleveland, Andrae’ Crouch and Walter Hawkins!
I remember sitting on the floor in the living room, listening (over and over again) to records that dated back to the 60s. I also remember one of our church organ players, Jimmy Carr, who played for Mahalia Jackson. He had a real traditional organ style and even though I didn’t really appreciate it back then, I realize now how important that music era was to our heritage.
My parents and their brothers and sisters all grew up in Mississippi where they had a quartet-style group called “The Heavenly Travelers” that went from town to town, singing Gospel music during the 50s and 60s. And, believe it or not, they still sing with us, their children, now serving as the musicians and writers. Guess you could say that our musical roots go pretty deep.
There are many events of the past that we as a nation shouldn’t repeat. But the past also includes important nuggets that we, not only as a nation, but also as a generation, should embrace. Music is a way of expressing my feelings about my own African-American heritage.
I recall an experience I had when I made my first trip to Africa. As I was in the plane looking out of the window approaching the coast, I found myself contemplating our nation’s history. An even though, there are parts of early history that are dark and painful, this scripture came to me from John 8:36: “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
At that moment, a song was birthed in the style of a spiritual. I had never written anything like that before. It was accapella with only drums as instruments. Before I landed, the song was completely written. The verses came when I reflected on slavery and freedom, not only from the bondage of man, but also from the bondage of sin. The verse of the song reads:
Free Indeed!.
verse: Heal the wounds, that continue to torment us,De oh, de oh, Lord we love You Mend the scars, we reopen with our impure hearts, De oh, de oh, Lord we love You
chorus: We are free, free indeed! Whom the son sets free, we are free indeed! We are free, oh so free! Where the spirit of the Lord is, there’s liberty!
I went on to explain that songwriting experience to the workshop choir in Liberia, West Africa and taught it to them. I also taught it to the choir here in the States, which happened to be a racially diverse choir. I explained that it was a song of unity, remembering the past, but not being held captive by it. It acknowledges that God has freed us from the bondage of all sin through His son Jesus!
When I think about how far we’ve come as a nation, I can’t help but think about the transformation that music has made over the years right alongside our progress as a country. It has had a very powerful affect on my life. I’m extremely grateful for my musical heritage. It has helped me embrace the calling that God has on my life, which includes unifying the races, denominations, and cultures. And music definitely has a way of breaking down those barriers. That calling is partially reflected in my latest CD project, One World One God.As a nation, we still have many areas in which to grow, but we as the Body of Christ can help be the bridge as we continue to be the hands of feet of Jesus and spread God’s love throughout the world.
Hey, check out the full article at Integrity Direct , and get to Ken Reynolds better.
As usual, keep in touch! Poke Me, invade myspace, follow me (and SA) and email me at DGray03@gmail.com and to book SA, email us at setapartbooking@gmail.com (Yup, new email address)
Love you guys, and remember Jesus Loves you Too!
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