=DG's Welcome...
Remember Jesus Loves You...and so do i!
Who =DG is...

- Gray's Anatomy
- Maryland, United States
- A Christian...A Believer in Jesus Christ...A Music Lover...A Lover in General...A Son...A Brother...A Musician...A Singer...A Producer...An Artist...A World Class Driver...A Director...A Stageplay Actor...A Teacher...A Leader...A Genuine Friend...A Supporter...A Promoter...A Boyfriend...A Big Brother...A Lover of Christian Music...A Supporter of the Arts...A Life Poured Out and Submitted Unto Christ! An Original...=DG
What =DG Reads...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
...the least I can do...

Monday, March 8, 2010
...evening random-ness...
Living a life of worship! Its more than just something to say, but its a decision to make. I was listening to Pastor Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church and Campuses, and he was speaking about worship. He explained how worship was often catergorized by a genre of music or an outward expression displayed inside of a church. Our society has tuned our mind to think that. Worship is not JUST that, but worship, as Pastor Driscoll tells it, is so vast and it embodies the life of a christian as a whole. Everything we do is and is related to some type of worship. Meaning everything i do from when I wake up to when i fall asleep at night is tied to worship.
He further explained that we were created beings, with the mindset to worship. So the question is not 'will we worship...' rather 'what will we worship...?' Or whom?
As i listened to the awesome teaching of this man of God, he let those know his philosphy of worship and life. I will never forget this and even until this day I use this as my uplifting and driving force. He says if everybody would go into each thing they do as it was a part of worship, life would be such much better.' Everything we do is worship and related to worship. And if we approach everything that we do knowing that it was a form of worship, wow...what a awesome and victorious life.
As I began to think about that, i went back to my churches bible study lessons we have been having. Developing the Kingdom. We are on a portion called 'Lordship' Lord meaning master or owner. Usually, as a spirit being covered in this flesh, we allow the Lord to be Lord over 'some' parts of our life! Not all. Which means we do not approach everything we do as an act of worship. When we allow the Lord (our master and owner) to be just that, LORD over our lives than everything we do, will be acceptable worship.
'...presnt yoursleves a living sacrifice. Holy acceptable which is your reasonable service.' Another translation says '...which is your accaptable worship' Hey, your worship is your life. We are created to worship and seek after something. He is calling for true worshippers, right? Inversely, there are some false worshippers around, worshipping something other than the true and living God. In psalms 24:6 the word says that '...this is the generation that seek Him...' Him, meaning God. Our Lord. This generation seeks Him, some have not. Let us be apart of that generation that seeks the face of the Lord. Shall we...? Let us worship with our life. In everything we do (Col 3:17).
Love you all!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
...evening random-ness...

Well, Im just getting in from a long day, and a great night. Today was pretty eventful. Woke up and had to take my car to the shop. Took the car there and walked back home. Did some laundry and work around the house. Then walked it back to get my car. Brought it home and put on my wheelcovers (hubcaps) because my other ones messed up. Ok, how about i went down the street, hit one bump and already one had popped off! Blown, not a mile up the street another one comes off! SUPERBLOWN! So I end up taking all of them off, lol!
After all the prior foolishness, i traveled down to Odenton, MD to Living Waters Church...where I worshipped with my homeboi Brandon Camphor and my fam Oneway! They held their benefit concert tonight and it was amazing. The night had Alex Holt and Free Worship, who are absolutely amazing! Lokus Rd. A new group based out of Living Waters Church. Bona, a sweetheart with the heart of God! Awesome Worship Leader! One of my favorite Worship Leaders now, William McDowell! He is the writer of the awesome song 'I Give Myself Away' which he ministered tonight! All I got to say is that the churched was bowed down with their '...hearts over their head...'! What an awesome ministry. Besides the two charasmatic and worship filled MC's (Curtis Jones, Jermaine Dolly) the only other ministry to mention is...well ONEWAY! And they do it again! What an awesome fresh sound! Wow...and their band sounded better than I have ever heard them! Like Wow! Joshua Davies is a great musical director. My man William McMillian who chilled with me tonight, and I both said that Joshua is definately whats next. He is '..that guy!'
Also, I was so proud of My man Will. Not only for the opportunity to play on Jonathan Nelson's latest live recording. But Will wrote some music for Oneway and they ministered it tonight. It was Dope!
Such a great night of worship and change. Isn't that how it should be? A difference. When one comes in contact with the presence of the Lord, they cannot; let me repeat CANNOT leave the same way they came. It just cant happen! Not at all! I can truly say that I felt the presence of the Lord tonight and that it truly touched me, and presented me with some things to give up, or give away!
Ok, so i am sleepy now! Im going to get to bed! I love you all and I pray you remember that Jesus Loves you too! Until next times...
Thursday, March 4, 2010
...Freedom Benefit Concert Pictures...

...poke us...
...and for more information about Freedom Cry 2010 or for booking of Set Apart at your next event, email us at setapartbooking@gmail.com (Attn: Christina Summerville, PGM)