Today i leave to go back home from Richmond, VA. For the last couple days I was privilaged to stay at the prestigious Jefferson Hotel. It was beautiful. I loved every minute of it! I was also honored to spend some time with the team i work with everyweek. The Leadership Team of New Life Christian Center.
As apart of the leadership team, one weekend a year we go and take a break from it all, and get refreshed together. Enjoying one anothers company and being refreshed.
We had a great time! We were also encouraged in the word to be stong when leading.
I needed this time. It felt good not to work for a bit. I cant complain. I also found out that my team is full of comedians, bowling stars, undercover law enforcement officers and track stars w/ boots! HA HA HA!
Such a great time.
I also learned about myself. I'm not perfect. I have imperfections. I have flaws. I do fall, i do fail...but God restores! I sin...but God is faithful! I am flawed but with Christ I am BEING perfected. Thank You Lord for your mercy! How about it huh? The Love of God! Its amazing to me! I am so greatful for Gods love!
Well gotta go...bout to head to rehearsal with MG!
Love yall and...