So Im sitting here at Fridays in Greenbelt with the True Worship Experience Movement and supporters! We just came from a great event ironically called 'The Worship Experience' out in Fort Washington, MD. Whats sucks is on the way here my car started to overheat. Well not too bad but it is was getting hotter then it usually should be. Ugh Blown to say the least.
Well ladies and gents I am in 'the moment'! This is 'the moment' where God in His way strategically needs me to wait and trust in Him. I need to go ahead and get that fixed (which takes money) car insurance due (which takes even more money) and another pressing payment (which...yeah u guessed it...takes money)
I'm in the moment where my trust is tested and my faith is tried. Natrually, I dont have it but i know that God will provide.
He is Jehovah Jireh-My provider.
I been studying the name of Yahweh and learned that Jehovah is latin for Yahweh. Yahweh which is the name ' I AM', that translates into Yahweh or Jehovah or I AM Jireh/ Provider. So God is just confirming to me that ' I AM your Provider'
Thank You Lord!
I just have to believe that it will happen for me!
Not to worry but to just keep God first and trust Him with this. He knows and understands and He will Provide.
Thank You Lord for being I AM!
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