Man, I haven't done a random evening moment in a while! I guess I will do it now! (Smile)
So presently, I'm laying here in the room, with nothing more than a bittersweet feeling overcoming me.
Had a great day! Got a lot of work done day! The church website project is near completion (hey by the way follow them on twitter @nlccministry). I sent so many emails and had so many meetings this week! I'm like wow! Well that sweet feeling of accomplishment is, as stated, bittersweet. For a couple reasons.
Firstly, my little sister is leaving to go to school soon. She is going to Frostburg U. Ugh, its so far away! I'm so happy for her! Its gonna be fun, I know! But I would be lying if I said I wasnt going to miss her. I miss her already and I just saw her! Newho! On a more spiritual note, I believe its time for consecration. I feel a lil like I'm in a rut, but I know how to get out. That's the importance of prayer and fasting. So, I'm on it! Getting the fasting and praying going on! It would help get me back to my place!
Ok random thought of the day: I'm sleepy! Goodnight people!
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Remember Jesus Loves You...and so do i!
Remember Jesus Loves You...and so do i!
Who =DG is...

- Gray's Anatomy
- Maryland, United States
- A Christian...A Believer in Jesus Christ...A Music Lover...A Lover in General...A Son...A Brother...A Musician...A Singer...A Producer...An Artist...A World Class Driver...A Director...A Stageplay Actor...A Teacher...A Leader...A Genuine Friend...A Supporter...A Promoter...A Boyfriend...A Big Brother...A Lover of Christian Music...A Supporter of the Arts...A Life Poured Out and Submitted Unto Christ! An Original...=DG
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