Lord, grant me patience in this season! Patience with people, patience with your promises, patience with the change that is happening in me!
That's where I am right now! God has me in a place of patience!
I am having to be patient with people when patience doesn't seem a fair option.
I'm patiently waiting for promises in the Word of God to be fulfilled! Manifested in my life, my family, my church and all around me.
Most importantly I'm waiting for a change to happen in me! I know its not me that makes that change but it is God (Phil.2:13)! So, that is where my faith kicks in!
Lord me grant me a greater measure of faith. Faith to trust in You to do what you said You would do in me. Forgive me for losing faith. Maybe not with mouth service, saying 'I have lost faith'. But allowing spirits of doubt and contentment to set in. For this I apologize. Forgive me for not casting those spirits down! I will continue to work my faith and become more faithful! I love You...and I'm glad that You love me too! I Jesus' name!
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=DG's Welcome...
Welcome to =DG's blog. Take a look around and check out the blogs. Participate in the polls and check out the pics and vids!
Remember Jesus Loves You...and so do i!
Remember Jesus Loves You...and so do i!
Who =DG is...

- Gray's Anatomy
- Maryland, United States
- A Christian...A Believer in Jesus Christ...A Music Lover...A Lover in General...A Son...A Brother...A Musician...A Singer...A Producer...An Artist...A World Class Driver...A Director...A Stageplay Actor...A Teacher...A Leader...A Genuine Friend...A Supporter...A Promoter...A Boyfriend...A Big Brother...A Lover of Christian Music...A Supporter of the Arts...A Life Poured Out and Submitted Unto Christ! An Original...=DG
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