Hello World!
Just wanted to stop by and say hey! So...HEY! Its been about a week or so, since I last posted, and I been moving! Like literally moving and shaking. I have been planning, meeting, rehearsing, calling, emailing, texting and all else that is apart of the calling of an administrator. Its been a good process though.
Well the benefit concert is on and ready to go! December 19, 2009 at New Creation! Im so excited. And as u can probably tell from the title of this blog, I'm waiting in anticipation for will happen on that night! Im excited about the whole thing. Its promised to be an awesome night of worship. You should come. Tickets go on sale November 1st. Leah smith, Amos St. Jean, Micah Smith and Brandon Camphor and Oneway! Its an awesome lineup! Im excited about where God is taking Set Apart. Im also very excited about where God is moving the ministry. We are on the move and not waiting on anybody but God.
Well Rotoya's recording was about 2 weeks ago! It was such an awesome time! I had the best time with those guys! Like they are the best! God really showed up! These past 6 1/2 months with TWEM have been like the greatest! I have learned so much, and have grown so much spiritually and even musically! Ahhhh! I thank God for the people that God has placed in my life. Its been so great!
I was sitting in Manifested Glory rehearsal, well afterwards; and a conversation broke out after rehearsal w/ Will, Antwan, Jocelyn, Julia, Darnell and I. It was about the music industry. We were saddened. We displayed our displeasure and as well, our distrust of a lot of the artists. We know these artists will deliver awesome music, but spiritually, where do they stand. Finally, I said that I was so glad for the association that I have. My upbringing, my friends in my circle as well as my association that I carry. Im thankful for it, because it has shaped me into a Gof fearing, truth knowing young man! Many dnt know the truth. Many are living a lie, many are confused and dnt know what or who the truth is. I always go back to something I heard a while back, that the world can't handle the truth; simply because the last time 'the truth' walked this earth, we crucified Him. (Selah)
Hey Im not perfect, and I won't for a second say that everybody in my circle is perfect, but we know the truth, so therefore some things that go on, we won't accept. We are striving for perfection. Going after something, that we will never obtain on this earth. I pray that we as a people find the truth and never let it go. Jesus is that Truth. As a matter FACT He is the Way the Truth the Life!
Im also transitioning church homes in November. I will no longer be a member of my church for 24 years. I've been given a push from the Lord to move and transition to another ministry. This is my first time ever switching churches, I've always had one church home, so naturally it seems crazy to me right now. But I know this is the right decision for me! In my desire to be greater as a minister, and greater as a leader, and a greater SERVANT, change becomes necessary. So, for more than a year I prayed and sought the Lord about this decision, and I believe that this is the right decision for me. I have not had an easy transition, of course some opposition and people against the move, but as long as God is pleased then I am content with everything.
Well, that's my life in a nutshell as of right now. I pray all is well with u and yours! Im excited about the future and expecting great things to come to pass! Are you? I love u World! And please remember Jesus Luvs You!
=DG's Welcome...
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Remember Jesus Loves You...and so do i!
Remember Jesus Loves You...and so do i!
Who =DG is...

- Gray's Anatomy
- Maryland, United States
- A Christian...A Believer in Jesus Christ...A Music Lover...A Lover in General...A Son...A Brother...A Musician...A Singer...A Producer...An Artist...A World Class Driver...A Director...A Stageplay Actor...A Teacher...A Leader...A Genuine Friend...A Supporter...A Promoter...A Boyfriend...A Big Brother...A Lover of Christian Music...A Supporter of the Arts...A Life Poured Out and Submitted Unto Christ! An Original...=DG
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