=DG's Welcome...
Remember Jesus Loves You...and so do i!
Who =DG is...

- Gray's Anatomy
- Maryland, United States
- A Christian...A Believer in Jesus Christ...A Music Lover...A Lover in General...A Son...A Brother...A Musician...A Singer...A Producer...An Artist...A World Class Driver...A Director...A Stageplay Actor...A Teacher...A Leader...A Genuine Friend...A Supporter...A Promoter...A Boyfriend...A Big Brother...A Lover of Christian Music...A Supporter of the Arts...A Life Poured Out and Submitted Unto Christ! An Original...=DG
What =DG Reads...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
...comic relief...

Sunday, April 25, 2010
...evening random-ness...

Well Im sitting here with proactive on my face, typing this blog. Im a lil pooped out. Had a long weekend already. Spent last night in church at Edified Christian Ministries International (Largo, MD) for their 11th Church and Pastoral Anniversary. Friday Night Bishop Frank Summerfield, from Releigh, NC, came and spoke. He was awesome, and he literally changed my life! Wow!
Then this morning I attended my church's Leadership Team Meeting. We are preparing our Evegelistic Team to go deeper into soul winning. Im so thankful for a pastor whose heart is turned toward God, and who has a passion for seeing souls redeemed back to Christ. Thank God for my MINISTRY (Thanks Bishop Summerfield).
Then Set Apart ministered today at Art Alive 2010 sponsored by The Purpose and Potential Arts Academy of Baltimore, Maryland. We had an awesome time worshipping with the youth of the city, and participating in praise. Let us continue to pray for our youth and pray that God would strengthen and establish them for ministry.
I spent some time with my lady and just had a great time having fun! Walking the mall, having dinner and chillin' (sleeping) at the crib! Love growing relationships.
Tomorrow my man William McMillian Jr. Is speaking at Rehobeth Ministries COGIC at their 2pm service. (15950 North Ave. Lisbon, MD) Should be an awesome time! I know it will as a matter of fact. Im proud of Will (aka Lil Mac) and thankful for God using him in music ministry. Great things are to come...
Ok, Im tired now and the proactive is drying up on my face! Goodnight and sweet dreams to all the world!
Remember Jesus Loves You!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
...freedom 7.10.10...
Such as:
Freedom Cry-
a united group of youth and young adults who have the passionto change the world and positively effect this generation. Freedom Cry willbe the voice of this generation (Isaiah 58:1)Our goal os to bring together a praise and worship choir of approx. 75voices. We will be learning praise and worship songs and performing them onthat night in July. In our time together we will also be training worshipleaders, gearing our youth towards change and admonishing the Lord God inworship and praise.It is our goal and mission to spiritually birth and build and mature an armythat specializes in spiritual warfare against the enemy. Strong enough tobring down strongholds, dependent enough to depend on God for strength anddirection.We believe that Freedom Cry is what this region needs. A remnant that willnot bow, nor break. But an army of strong and courageous believers in JesusChrist who do not mind Crying out and being the voice crying out to God toFREE this generation.
Every1Counts Outreach Campaign-
Every1Count is an outreach initiative geared to helping those in ned who areoften overlooked.Our ministry is a needs based ministry that specializes in helping differentorganizations and Help-Based Ministries all around Maryland.Here is how it works:We have an list compiled of organizations and help-based ministries that wecontact on a regular basis. Because we do not have a lot of funding rightnow, we do our ministry by works; meaning where we go, we get! Ouradministrator for E1C is Amber Foy. Her job is simple. She contacts thesedifferent outreach centers and organizations and she gets a guage of whatthey are in need of.We then take hat information and we make it known to the public. Throughsocial media such as YouTube, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Blogs and word ofmouth we can efficiently spread the word about the lack that occurs in thesemuch needed organizations.We then place the call. Most concerts we sing at, if allowed we make awareof our effort to help those in need. We then set up stations and tables togather the materials.After a certain amount of time or a time-being sufficient amount ofmaterials, we seperate and give to the several organizations. Any monetarydonations are seperated evenly and given to these outreach organizations.Then the cycle starts over again.Within the near future we have plans to acquire grants and funding fromsponsorship!We believe in looking out for the '...least of these...'! For those who areless fortunate. For those who may never see Set Apart live, or may neverhave money to buy a cd. And even those with lesser needs. Such as bathingand everyday liberties that we live with everyday. These organizations thatare operating by faith need help to stay open. Every1Counts focuses onsupporting those in need by supporting those who give their resources tohelp.We one day do want to own a center where we can do ministry such as this ona regular basis. We believe it can work, and we are believing God forresources to sustain this work, because we believe that this is a little wayto establish the kingdom!
Monday, April 19, 2010
...25 Years...

Wow, I am soooo thankful to God for granting me one more year to live. On this past tuesday, the 13th, I celebrated 25 years of life. (Yup, I'm old) I took the week off to celebrate, however it seemed as if I worked everyday lol! I had an awesome week though. So, thankful for Ashley for doing so much for me. For breakfast, Lunch and Dinner tonight. She has made my birthday week SIMPLY AMAZING!!! Such a beautiful act of love and friendship she gave, and It is much appreciated.
Random moment: I want to produce a Bluegrass commercial jingle! Who's with me!?!?!? Newho!...
...thanks to all who wished me a happy birthday or birfday, bornday, or day of conceptive beginning (dont ask lol) Your wish came true and I had an awesome time.
Hey, I leave you with this. I been looking over this and this scripture has become the focal point over one of the ministries God has given me. Isaiah 58:1 'Cry Aloud, and Spare Not...' Our voice is the determining factor to this generation. Our lifestyles is what draws them. God's word is what keeps them. Foolish are we who draw the people and then speak words of flesh and not of life. When given the opportunity, speak. Talk. Conversate. Its as easy as it sounds. Open your mouth and let the Lord fill it, but no one will listen, and no people can change and no generation effected and no nation freed and the world will fail if you don't...talk! Selah!
Saturday, April 10, 2010

I truly LOVE the sunshine. I dont know what about it that makes me so happy or excites me, but everytime I see the sun or the coming of the sun, it brings me joy!
Thank you Lord for the sunshine; for the bright rays or hope, the strong presence of joy and the evervescerance of Love!
Wow, I just described the 'Son-Shine'. God's Son, Jesus Christ can be described the same way.
Thank you God for your Son. For His faithfullness, His Grace and Mercy, His Love, His Liberation...His Life.
I dont know what it is about the Son-Shine, but everytime I think of the son...it brings me joy!
Friday, April 9, 2010

Many have their own definitions for something that is 'beautiful'. When I think of something that is beautiful, i personally think of something more than just outward appearance. Rather something or someone beautiful holds a deeper meaning of beauty.
To a child, beauty is a frigid cold popsicle in a scorching hot summer day. That popsicle holds a meaning more then hunger itself.
To a 18 year old guy, beauty is that 2 door 1996 Pontiac Grand AM. Lightning Blue with the dented bumper and chipped paint (having flash backs). That car represented more than just a outward appreciation, and it goes deeper then teen independence.
To me, theres nothing more beautiful then a 21-yr old young woman who plays the acoustic guitar giving glory to God. (See Above :) Her clear and crisp melodic line along with her sweet sounds coming from the strums of the nylon strings, are just a portion of the beauty that she exudes.
Well what is beauty to the Christian? Beauty is the Cross! Bloody, Detestable, Mortifying! The Cross! Drenched in innocent blood! The Cross! Many would say that the events at Calvary was everything but beautiful. But clearly to me beauty is more then skin deep! More than meets the eye. More then an outward appreciation. The purpose of Christ's sacrifice on the cross was beauty all in itself. He gave His life for my redemption, for my salvation, for my freedom. That is Beauty...inside and out.