Many have their own definitions for something that is 'beautiful'. When I think of something that is beautiful, i personally think of something more than just outward appearance. Rather something or someone beautiful holds a deeper meaning of beauty.
To a child, beauty is a frigid cold popsicle in a scorching hot summer day. That popsicle holds a meaning more then hunger itself.
To a 18 year old guy, beauty is that 2 door 1996 Pontiac Grand AM. Lightning Blue with the dented bumper and chipped paint (having flash backs). That car represented more than just a outward appreciation, and it goes deeper then teen independence.
To me, theres nothing more beautiful then a 21-yr old young woman who plays the acoustic guitar giving glory to God. (See Above :) Her clear and crisp melodic line along with her sweet sounds coming from the strums of the nylon strings, are just a portion of the beauty that she exudes.
Well what is beauty to the Christian? Beauty is the Cross! Bloody, Detestable, Mortifying! The Cross! Drenched in innocent blood! The Cross! Many would say that the events at Calvary was everything but beautiful. But clearly to me beauty is more then skin deep! More than meets the eye. More then an outward appreciation. The purpose of Christ's sacrifice on the cross was beauty all in itself. He gave His life for my redemption, for my salvation, for my freedom. That is Beauty...inside and out.
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