On the 15th of December, the family of Antwan Simmons and Manifested Glory had our first photo shoot. We all ascended upon Arundel Mills and had a great shoot w/ photographer great Colville Heskey! We had an awesome time. Took some awesome pics and had some great fellowship. I took some pics of my own (Dont mind me, I love black and White pics). A night I will never forget. We ended off the night outside in the frigid cold for about 30 mins. Trying to look cute and pose for the camera. But it was worth it, and we all were so thankful to God for blessing us with that time together. Look out for the ministry of Antwan Simmons and Manifested Glory.They are coming out w/ their EP soon. So prepare to be blessed! Love ya'll MG...Peace!
=DG's Welcome...
Welcome to =DG's blog. Take a look around and check out the blogs. Participate in the polls and check out the pics and vids!
Remember Jesus Loves You...and so do i!
Remember Jesus Loves You...and so do i!
Who =DG is...

- Gray's Anatomy
- Maryland, United States
- A Christian...A Believer in Jesus Christ...A Music Lover...A Lover in General...A Son...A Brother...A Musician...A Singer...A Producer...An Artist...A World Class Driver...A Director...A Stageplay Actor...A Teacher...A Leader...A Genuine Friend...A Supporter...A Promoter...A Boyfriend...A Big Brother...A Lover of Christian Music...A Supporter of the Arts...A Life Poured Out and Submitted Unto Christ! An Original...=DG
What =DG Reads...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Daily Surrender For December 10th and 11th 2009..."Comfortability"
Today, Oh Lord, I come to you again in a posture of surrender. Today I surrender my want to be comfortable. I have a problem with wanting things to always be comfortable for me. To me it seems to go back to my selfish ways. I admit, I do not like pain, nor do I like discomfort or displeasure. Who does? However, when it comes to me, worry and doubt sets in when I feel discomfort. I start to complain and lose trust. I repent for such actions. Today I surrender that to you. I will no longer complain when I feel pain. I know pain and discomfort will come, but instead of complaining, Lord help me to quote your word in times of discomfort...'By your stripes I am healed..' (Isai. 53:5-6), 'All sickness is not unto death...' (John 11:4), '...prosper and be in good health...' (3 John 1:2), 'Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth them out of them all...' (Psalms 34:19). You have given us promises in your word, and for that I am grateful. And even in times of being unconfortable, I will not complain, but with my words (DEC9Daily.Surrender.) I will proclaim my healing and speak your word over the situation. I will believe in your word and do good. I honor you today Lord for your word and you ability to bring peace to situations (Philp. 4:7) and give us the ability to endure through the situations. You promisd that you would cover us and hide us under your wings; in your presence (Psalms 91).
Lord I thank You, and honor You for Your word. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Daily Surrender For December 8th and 9th...'my words'

My Romans 8:13 Moment...
Lord, I come today surrendering my words unto you. I know that what I say comes from within and it means more then just a reply to something, and more then just a conversational starter. My words literally mean life and death (Proverbs 18:21), and what I say has the ability to build someone up or tear someone down. Help me Lord to speak life with everything I say. Even those things that are meant to be negative that I use for positive reinforcement, help me to change those words. As I describe bands as 'killin...' or 'she's a beast...' or 'that run was nasty...' Help me to change those simple words into positive words. I want to be able to speak life and positiveness in everything I say. Help me Lord to change my words for the better. I have the power to start war, with my mouth. So Lord, instead of me waging war against my brother and sister, with my mouth I wage war against the enemy. With my mouth I speak against the powers of satan. With my mouth I proclaim freedom in those that are bound. I speak against each spirit that raises itself up against the knowledge of God. I will use my mouth not for evil and death, but I will use it as a trumpet and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. I will speak to that spirit within man, and tell it to be cast out, by the power of the Holy Spirit. I will watch my words, and what I say as well as what I DON'T SAY. I know that silence is consent. Not saying anything when something happens, and remaining silent is consent that we are OK with whats going on. With the condition of the world right now, so many are silently consenting to the terror and demonic attack that is against the children of God right now. Many are consenting to homosexuality, to lust. To Sin with Microphones. To Immorality with Titles, To Infidelity with a Awesome Voice. Lord, I wont be silent. I will be very mindful of my words, and with your leading I will proclaim the Gospel. As a trumpet, with its reverb! (Isaiah 58:1) With my words I will and can change atmosphere. With my words I will and can change situations. With my words I will and can lift you up. So Lord, I ask you to change my words. I surrender my words to you, so that all I say is positive and life. Not death. I want the world to see your spirit in me, and whats in me obviously has to come out, and that through the words I speak. In Jesus' Name I pray... Amen!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Daily Surrender For December 7, 2009...'Selfishness'

My Romans 8:13 Moment...
Lord today, I surrender to you my selfishness. I don't consider myself a selfish person, I actually think of myself as a very giving person. But I realize through self evaluation that there is even more I can give to others; More I can give to you. I sing this praise to you saying 'I give myself away...' but my desires and wants in life line up with what pleases me. I usually pray for my future life, home, wife, my relationship and friendships. I pray for financial stability in these times and the ability to have a home. Though seemingly not selfish to the human flesh, I rarely pray for Your will to be done in my life. I sparingly pray for you to have your way in my life. And today I repent. Lord Let Your Perfect Will be done in my life. When I pray, I will pray that your will be done, and for you have to have your way in my life. I will perform my prayers inversely of how I pray now. Knowing that you want the best in my life, and because you said that you want me to prosper and be in good health (3 John 1:2), I will pray that you bless me here on earth and that I will live a healthy and productive life. However, now when I pray my main prayer is that you have your way, and your will be done in me. For that is all I need; your will done in me. God I pray even now, that your perfect will be done in my life. I know that when I pray for your will to be done, and not for selfish reasonings that you are mindful of the life I live on this earth, and you will take care of me. As I have learned in your word, that I am not to take thought for what I should eat, wear or have but my suffieciency is in you and I know you will supply my every need (Matthew 6:34). So, Lord, I am surendering to you my selfish desires and prayers that will please the flesh and not your will being done in my life. Your will is perfect and takes into consideration my life and my means for living, so with you I'm covered. Thank You Lord, Amen!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Daily Surrender for Decemebr 3, 2009..."Guilt"

My Romans 8:13 Moment...
Father, today I come to you with a heart of surrender unto you. Today I mortify my flesh and I surrender my will to you. Today I offer up guilt. Your word proclaims that I am new creature (2 Cor. 5:17) and that all old things are passed away. You also said that you would forgive me of my wrong(s) that I have committed, if I would repent wholeheartedly. So today, I ask you to remove the spirit of guilt that is upon me. Remove guilt from my members and allow me to walk a life with a head lifted high. I have done wrong and have sinned in your sight, but as always I ask for forgiveness, and I will no longer let the guilt of my past control my present or alter my future. You said in your word that you have removed my sins far from me, as far as the east is from the west. And the good thing about that is that east and west never meet, so therefore they are forgotten about, never to brought up again and never to be used against me. (Romans 8:1 , Psalms 103:12) Lord, I cast down all guilt from me, because not doing so would be detrimental to my life and my purpose. So, Lord I suurender this spirit of guilt to you and I commend it into your hands. Remove it far from me...and with this surrendering I know that I am drawing closer to you. Thank You Lord for your compassion and your justice and you love for us. Great is your Mercy!!!! (Psalms 136) I appreciate what you have done for me, and Lord, I will Daily Surrender my life and all attached to me...to you. In Jesus Name! Amen!
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