Hey You All,
I was lying in the bed, and I just wanted to blog this.
I had an awesome day in church. Morning service was churchy, yet annointed. And evening service was great. We had a guess preacher, the Elder William Mcmillian. Pastor of the Rehobeth Ministries COGIC of Lisbon,MD.
He preached a great message of waiting for ur due season. He tied in Psalms 1 which was so awesome to me because I never tied waiting for ur due season with everyday living as he did. It was so relevant and to the point. The message itself took us to a great praise and worship session towards end the service. God's presence was so evident. Wow what a service.
Well i'm in the bed now. Resting up for the coming week. We will continue our study of the book of James. Didn't get a chance to blog it as I wanted to but God did give me a lot concerning this book as of yet. Can't wait to impart that with u.
I'm gonna get some rest now, a lot to work on this week, gotta start the week of correct.
Hey Remember God Loves you and He is waiting for you to love Him back. Won't u come back to Him? If ur not where u should be, remember Jesus' love and that He died for you. He gave His life upon cross for u, because He loves You. And He cares for you. Don't let it be too late, He is waiting for u and He will wait and wait till you come back.
Make sure u follow me on twitter, twitter.com/DGray03, and Set Apart has a lot of engagements coming up, come worship with us we would love to see ya! Follow us twitter.com/setapart4lyfe. Make sure to subscibe nd follow the blog. Check me out on facebook, facebook.com/devingray and myspace as well, myspace.com/devingray. Hey bring Set Apart to ur next event. We want to worship with u! Email us at devingrayandsetapart.booking@live.com.
Hey I love u all, and remember so does Jesus! Peace, live outloud live...UNASHAMED!!!!!
=DG's Welcome...
Welcome to =DG's blog. Take a look around and check out the blogs. Participate in the polls and check out the pics and vids!
Remember Jesus Loves You...and so do i!
Remember Jesus Loves You...and so do i!
Who =DG is...

- Gray's Anatomy
- Maryland, United States
- A Christian...A Believer in Jesus Christ...A Music Lover...A Lover in General...A Son...A Brother...A Musician...A Singer...A Producer...An Artist...A World Class Driver...A Director...A Stageplay Actor...A Teacher...A Leader...A Genuine Friend...A Supporter...A Promoter...A Boyfriend...A Big Brother...A Lover of Christian Music...A Supporter of the Arts...A Life Poured Out and Submitted Unto Christ! An Original...=DG
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