The last few days have been very busy for me. Alot of my time has been going into preparation for Set Apart's Benefit Concert: Freedom! I can truly say that it was one of the greatest nights in SA's 5 years of ministry. Such an awesome presence in the place! God is soooooo Good! And he gave so many His Freedom Saturday night. Breaking chains, tearing down strongholds and Casting down spirits that are contrary to Christ and holy living. Such Freedom! Every ministry was awesome! From Worship Leader Ashley Harris who brought forth an awesome start to worship that night. Leah Smith, who opened the night with her wonderful sound, Micah Smith who helped with our sound (insider, lol) and then did an awesome musical job. Brandon Camphor and Oneway did phenomenal! They sounded great and ushered in the presence. Antwan Simmons took to another level w/ His single "One Name". Also, much love to our speakers. Minister Rotoya Williams who minister about the 'secret place'. She minister well, and helped the people better understand Psalms 91! Also to my bro Minister Bruce Goodwin. He helped us understand 'Freedom' and broke it down so everybody would know about Liberty. He made it easy for Set Apart to come and to further lead the people in worship. What a night! God moved through Set Apart, and Freedom was obtained. The alter was filled with youth and individuals. Singers, Musicians (including my band, lol) ministers, Administrators, friends and family! What an awesome sight to see people come and cry out to the Lord!
Whoooo! Still on a high! Pics will be coming soon! Along with our website! We are so excited for what God is about to do in this ministry! We are actually thinking about making this a quarterly or Bi-Monthly event! What y'all think? Let me know...Ok. So to my prayer...

I pray that God will continue to use the members of our local churches to greater impact the world in which we live in. Sometimes I wonder why churches fail to grow. Why they cease to expand and halt their growth process. I consistently wonder about how ministries lose the fire that Christ has given them. I believe wholeheartedly that it is because of a lack of fire in evangelism. The members of these 'buildings' have lost their fire to reach others. Sometimes members and people often think that people are just gonna give up and come to church one day. Well, sometimes they will, but most of the time, they are just looking for you to come to them. And show them the way. I pray even now that God will begin to stir in the hearts of those in our local churches the spirit of evangelism. The drive to win souls to Jesus Christ, and the passion to tell a dying world about Jesus. I also pray that God will begin to open doors and bring about opportunities in which evangelism can be used to bring people in the doors. My pastor, Pastor Harris has expressed his want for the church to be overflowing with those who are 'un-churched'. Those who might not know anything about Jesus Christ, or who don't know anything about Holy Living. He has expressed his want and desire for the alter to be filled with souls, so that transformation can take place. Well my prayer is that God will put even a stronger drive within our local churches to evangelize, and that God will make ways for evangelism. God I pray now that you would make the path straight for us. Give us spiritual discernment into how we will be able to draw others to Christ. Lord, even now begin to open doors so that the local congregation can draw men to Christ. My desire is to see souls bought back into right fellowship with you. The world is in need of hope. Why are we not spreading it? Why do we keep it to ourselves? Lord give us a mind not to keep this hope, this joy, this love to ourselves. But we want the world to experience Christ as we have. In Jesus' name. Selah...