Not sure about everyone else, but I really want to see my neighbors...saved. We see them here and there entering in and out their houses and truthfully I have yet to offer Christ to them. Lord, I repent. My light should not just be shown to those who are in church. But the gospel is hid to those who are lost...those who are not in the church. Those who do not know Christ (2Cor.4:3) Why hide it. Our lives should not be lives lived as were playing 'hide and go seek' No, what good is our light if our light is under a buchel(Matt.5:15) Lets be honest with ourselves, when was the last time you just went to someone in your community and asked them if they knew Jesus? (crickets...) Yeah makes you think right. Think about that scripture 2 Corinthians 4:3...if the light be hid, it is hid to them that are lost. Well lets break that down. why are they lost...because they have lost sight of the path that leads to Freedom. They have be misdirected, given an alternative way to travel. Well what is the one thing the helps people find their direction?...that thing that helps people get back on track?...that thing that gives people who are lost hope in finding their way? ...light! We are the light of the world (Eph.5:8-10), and its not because of our strength or merit, because I'll be transparent if nobody else will...I'm nothing but filthy rags (Is.64:6). Non deserving of God's grace and mercy but he has given us His spirit, and has filled us with His light. And a light that is as bright as the light of Jesus Christ should not be hid. Everybody should see it. Imagine if the church came from without the 4 walls of religion and started taking their light into the places where its hard for some to see. Into our corners where the people are blinded by drugs and sex. Into the offices where our men and women in corporate America are blinded by guilt and greed. Into our schools where our children are blinded by failed acceptance and heartache. What if we went into our communities and showed our light....everybody would see. So, that is my prayer and my goal for myself. Lord help me to be a light to those that are in the darkness. Let me be a light in my community. I pray that God brings forth opportunities for me to minister to those in my community. I pray that I will be a light to those in my community to lead those who are lost, back onto the path back to you, oh God. I pray to be that light...and I admire to be a light that will not be hid, rather a light that brings direction to the whole house (Matt.5:14-16). Lets make a diligent and consistent effort to be the light in our communities; leading those who are in the dark into the light of Christ. Selah...
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