My pastor, Pastor A.L. Harris, said something in a sermon a week ago, that stuck with me like glue. He said that his prayer was to see the front alter filled with people. Well, that's cool, he obviously has a heart for soul winning. But its the way he described those bodies that covered the front alter. He said that he wanted to see the front filled with people, who may not know about our God, and do not believe as well believe. For it is at the alter where mental transformation takes place in the mind of the unbeliever. Wow...! It floored me! I began to do a self evaluation. I looked at my time in the church. How many people have I drawn to New Life Christian Center? How many souls have I drawn to the alter? How many unbelievers have I, as a member of the sheep, help convert into a believer of Jesus Christ? Well, after taking that self test, i repented (again) and I made a promise to myself that I will be an agent of change in the life of an unbeliever. My prayer now is that I be(come) committed to drawing unbelievers to Christ. For isn't that our job?...Isn't that apart of the great commission? Go ye..into the hedges and highways and compel them to come (Matt.28:16-20, Luke 14:23) So...the scripture says in Luke 14:23 (Niv) Go..STOP..thats the first step...we must 'go'. To go means to move forward, to proceed, to take a step. In a nutshell, that is what God is calling us to do; to go. To move forward and make the first step in reaching someone. I pray now, that God will begin to move in the hearts of those who are in the church, that we may 'go' and make the first step in bringing someone to Christ. How fair is it that we hold to ourselves this great gift of salvation that has been granted to us? Doesn't see fair huh? Why shouldn't we tell the world about that which God is doing within our churches. Let us be mindful that salvation is not just for those who come within the 4 walls of a church building. However, the salvation of the Lord, should be presented to all who are living and breathing. We are also told to compel them to come...compel? What does that mean really...? Well it means to have an powerful or irresistible effect or influence. Wow! So when it comes to drawing others to Christ, we have to have an powerful effect on people. Have you even been in a room with a 'celebrity'? Or in the presence of a very important political figure? Ever notice how drawn to them you are? How intrigued you are of how they got to where they are? Well, that's how we must be when living this life for Christ. Sometimes its not about going and knocking on doors and passing out tracks (though a great tool) sometimes you just got to live the life. They will see...the unbelieving will notice you. When you come into a room, believe me they are looking. Have them to look at you and say to themselves..."...they just look different, don't know what it is, but er' ugh'...I like it" I pray now that I have such an influence that follows my life that others might see me and see Jesus as well. I also pray that the members of our local churches be charged up to go out and bring the unbelievers to the alter. I pray that the alter be filled with those who are not of our faith; of the unbelieving; of the wavering; of the unsaved. For, as God gave me, on the alter is where the mental transformation takes place for the unbeliever. selah...
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