I'm currently on the phone with my Marie. I'm so blessed to have her in my life...she is such an awesome woman of God. God has favored me with such a great gift. Sometimes i wonder why God blessed me with such a blessing. I often feel undeserving and often unworthy of her, but God wants the best for His children. Right...? Aren't we deserving...? He is blessing...and I am recieving that which God is giving!
By the way...God is such an awesome giving God! We can give all we have, and not come close to what God gives us. We give him 10% and God gives us a job/career! We offer Him praise and worship for 30 mins, God gives us 24 Hours of life. We rededicate our children when their born, and God gives us His Son...Jesus Christ. Can we really match His giving? I think not...
Nobody but God can give the way He does. Gets me pumped up just to know that. That even in my humble attempt to tithe and give, I will never match His giving. He is the ultimate giver.
Ashley was telling me that she just recieved her 2009 Statement of Contribution from church. She was so excited about it being significantly higher than 2008. Thats a blessing...to give! Its awesome to know that even when you give, God is giving soooooo much more!
Whooooo! Feels great! Hey word to the wise...give! Scripture says thats its better to give than to recieve. But know this, that when u do give you will recieve...Selah!
Ok...im bout to find a way to get Marie off the phone! She loves to talk late at night. Love you guys!
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