=DG's Welcome...
Remember Jesus Loves You...and so do i!
Who =DG is...

- Gray's Anatomy
- Maryland, United States
- A Christian...A Believer in Jesus Christ...A Music Lover...A Lover in General...A Son...A Brother...A Musician...A Singer...A Producer...An Artist...A World Class Driver...A Director...A Stageplay Actor...A Teacher...A Leader...A Genuine Friend...A Supporter...A Promoter...A Boyfriend...A Big Brother...A Lover of Christian Music...A Supporter of the Arts...A Life Poured Out and Submitted Unto Christ! An Original...=DG
What =DG Reads...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Manifesting in the Dark...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Daily Surrender For December 10th and 11th 2009..."Comfortability"
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Daily Surrender For December 8th and 9th...'my words'

Monday, December 7, 2009
Daily Surrender For December 7, 2009...'Selfishness'

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Daily Surrender for Decemebr 3, 2009..."Guilt"

My Romans 8:13 Moment...
Father, today I come to you with a heart of surrender unto you. Today I mortify my flesh and I surrender my will to you. Today I offer up guilt. Your word proclaims that I am new creature (2 Cor. 5:17) and that all old things are passed away. You also said that you would forgive me of my wrong(s) that I have committed, if I would repent wholeheartedly. So today, I ask you to remove the spirit of guilt that is upon me. Remove guilt from my members and allow me to walk a life with a head lifted high. I have done wrong and have sinned in your sight, but as always I ask for forgiveness, and I will no longer let the guilt of my past control my present or alter my future. You said in your word that you have removed my sins far from me, as far as the east is from the west. And the good thing about that is that east and west never meet, so therefore they are forgotten about, never to brought up again and never to be used against me. (Romans 8:1 , Psalms 103:12) Lord, I cast down all guilt from me, because not doing so would be detrimental to my life and my purpose. So, Lord I suurender this spirit of guilt to you and I commend it into your hands. Remove it far from me...and with this surrendering I know that I am drawing closer to you. Thank You Lord for your compassion and your justice and you love for us. Great is your Mercy!!!! (Psalms 136) I appreciate what you have done for me, and Lord, I will Daily Surrender my life and all attached to you. In Jesus Name! Amen!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Daily Surrender For November 30, 2009... 'Fleshly Desires'

Whoo, that felt Good! Hey you all! I pray all is well! What is your Daily Surrender? What are you giving to God to fix today? Join SA, as we go on our Daily Surrendering Fast, starting December 5 until December 19 Leading right up to our 5th Anniversary Benefit Concert. This is an different fast, which will enable us to document our daily surrenderings and present them to each other as we help each other grow. We want you to fast with us, will you. The details of the fast will be coming up. So stay wit! I love you know how to reach me...
Poke Me..........Invade Myspace............Retweet Me.......& SA.......Email me

Stay tuned for the Sweet Sound 3 coming up! I'm going to be reviewing Hillsong's Latest as well as Jars of Clay. Also check out the vid coming up as well with details about the 5th Anniversary Benefit Concert on December 19, 2009. Benefiting the ministry of Devin Gray and Set Apart. That night is going to be great...its gonna feature Amos St. Jean, Brandon Camphor and Oneway, Micah Smith, Leah Smith, with worship led by Danton Whitley and inspired word coming from both Min. Rotoya Williams and Min. Bruce Goodwin Jr. You really dont wanna miss it! Tickets are $10 and seats are limited. Email to get reserved seating. (Tickets are available at the door).
Also bring a article of clothing or non perishable foods to support the ministry of EveryOneCounts, a ministry of Set Apart specializing in taking care of the least of these.
Ok, Love yall!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Freedom...The sentiments of my Heart!

This is How It Feels to Be Free
This is how it feels to be free
to pull my feet out of the dark deep mud of doubt
To brush away the gnat-thoughts that pester me
“you are not enough”
“you are not enough”
“you are not enough"
This is how it feels to be free
To step from hot sun into cool shade
and know that this is where I was meant to be
what I was created to be.
This is how it feels to be free
to strip away guilt like wet clothes
to loose their weight and stand
and dry
and redeemed
This is how it feels to be free
to run
to laugh
to dance
to stop and notice and breathe
To spread my arms wide
and embrace
all that He made me to be
This is how it feels to be free
to not worry what you think of me
to not strive to make you like me
accept me
Love me.
To let His love pour over me
like cool water
on a July afternoon
This is how it feels to be free
to give up all of me
to surrender willingly
all that is inside of me
to be captured in love by the one who died for me
and gives me freedom
This is how it feels to be free
to forget for a moment that I am anything but a child of God
and to stand at his feet in awe
as my mouth
and my heart
and my hands
and my toes
and all of who I am
sings His praises
This is how it feels to be free
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wanted: A Clone for Rehearsals, Studio Sessions and More 21October2009
Yesterday, I had to work and then right after, I headed to DC for an editing and listening session of the Live Recording w/ Rotoya Williams. It turned out great! Can't wait until it comes out! Its really going to bless you. If u want more info on Rotoya and the MOVEMENT check out her website. Check out the pic and videos!
After leaving the editing session around 915, I headed to a 10p rehearsal in Owings Mills, MD w/ my fam Antwan Simmons and Manifested Glory. We are preparing for a benefit concert on the 31st of October. Its at 6pm, and its held at Carter Memorial COGIC (745 W. Fayette Street) You should come, its gonna be crazy. Amos St. Jean will be there as well as Lashawna Moore and Brittney Wright. Its going to be awesome. You have to come. And come expectating to receive something from the Lord. After rehearsal we sat around and talked for about an extra hour. Didn't get home until about 2 or so, only to turn around and get up and take my sister to school and get dressed to be back in DC by 830 and then Virginia by 10 for a editing studio session. It was great! Got a lot done. We stayed and worked from 10am till about 5. IM SLEEPY! But it was great!
Then when I needed to be home sleep, I had to go to work for a couple hours.
SMH! Now im half sleep on the couch trying to hold my eyes open while finishing this blog!
So, pray for me guys! Im so excited about where God is taking me. And I am following him, and not the words or suggestions of others. Him and Him Alone!
Ok, I gotta u all! Hey Follow Jesus!
Follow me on twitter., check me facebook And invade MYspace
Check out the happenings of Set Apart, including something that is brewing as speak! Whooooo! U need to keep in touch wit SA! Or
Remember World! Jesus Loves You!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Evening Randomocity 16October2009 'Expectation...'
Just wanted to stop by and say hey! So...HEY! Its been about a week or so, since I last posted, and I been moving! Like literally moving and shaking. I have been planning, meeting, rehearsing, calling, emailing, texting and all else that is apart of the calling of an administrator. Its been a good process though.
Well the benefit concert is on and ready to go! December 19, 2009 at New Creation! Im so excited. And as u can probably tell from the title of this blog, I'm waiting in anticipation for will happen on that night! Im excited about the whole thing. Its promised to be an awesome night of worship. You should come. Tickets go on sale November 1st. Leah smith, Amos St. Jean, Micah Smith and Brandon Camphor and Oneway! Its an awesome lineup! Im excited about where God is taking Set Apart. Im also very excited about where God is moving the ministry. We are on the move and not waiting on anybody but God.
Well Rotoya's recording was about 2 weeks ago! It was such an awesome time! I had the best time with those guys! Like they are the best! God really showed up! These past 6 1/2 months with TWEM have been like the greatest! I have learned so much, and have grown so much spiritually and even musically! Ahhhh! I thank God for the people that God has placed in my life. Its been so great!
I was sitting in Manifested Glory rehearsal, well afterwards; and a conversation broke out after rehearsal w/ Will, Antwan, Jocelyn, Julia, Darnell and I. It was about the music industry. We were saddened. We displayed our displeasure and as well, our distrust of a lot of the artists. We know these artists will deliver awesome music, but spiritually, where do they stand. Finally, I said that I was so glad for the association that I have. My upbringing, my friends in my circle as well as my association that I carry. Im thankful for it, because it has shaped me into a Gof fearing, truth knowing young man! Many dnt know the truth. Many are living a lie, many are confused and dnt know what or who the truth is. I always go back to something I heard a while back, that the world can't handle the truth; simply because the last time 'the truth' walked this earth, we crucified Him. (Selah)
Hey Im not perfect, and I won't for a second say that everybody in my circle is perfect, but we know the truth, so therefore some things that go on, we won't accept. We are striving for perfection. Going after something, that we will never obtain on this earth. I pray that we as a people find the truth and never let it go. Jesus is that Truth. As a matter FACT He is the Way the Truth the Life!
Im also transitioning church homes in November. I will no longer be a member of my church for 24 years. I've been given a push from the Lord to move and transition to another ministry. This is my first time ever switching churches, I've always had one church home, so naturally it seems crazy to me right now. But I know this is the right decision for me! In my desire to be greater as a minister, and greater as a leader, and a greater SERVANT, change becomes necessary. So, for more than a year I prayed and sought the Lord about this decision, and I believe that this is the right decision for me. I have not had an easy transition, of course some opposition and people against the move, but as long as God is pleased then I am content with everything.
Well, that's my life in a nutshell as of right now. I pray all is well with u and yours! Im excited about the future and expecting great things to come to pass! Are you? I love u World! And please remember Jesus Luvs You!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Daily Purity ~Psalms 13:1 'How Long'
I pray all is well with you all. Been a while since I wrote a Daily Purity on the blog, wanted to get back in the swing of things. I'm praying even now that God remove all the distractions that hinder me from posting this word for you all. I pray everyone is doing well.
A lot of times all some people need to do is to talk about problems they are having with friends to help place things in their proper perspectives. This particular chapter of Psalms hosts the phrase 'how long...' 4 times in the first 2 verses alone!!! That fact right there shows the depths of David's distress. Through prayer and conversation w/ the Lord, David was able to express his feelings to God. And through that he found strength. If you read this prayer of David, you will see that by the end of his prayer David was able to find strength and express his trust and hope in God. Though our prayer to God, we are able to express our inner most feelings, and we can literally talk out our problems w/ the Lord. God alone who is the one who orders out steps (Proverbs 3:5-6) can help us put all things into their proper perspectives. And through this act of faith God grants us Peace.
My favorite scripture,
Closing Prayer:
Father, we thank you today, and we ask that you would forgive us of all sin, and guilt. Remove all things in our life that may act as distractions in our lifestyle of worship. Help us to trust you and to come to you in prayer. For you are our hope in times past and present and future, and we put our trust in you.
We thank you for we were once blind, but you gave us sight. We were lost, but you found us. And we did walk in death, but now we move in newness of life, and we thank you.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Hey World! Follow me!
Check out my Face, on Facebook!
Invade my personal space, on Myspace!
And follow Set Apart, as we embark on our album process! We are praying for a great album! Will you pray with us?!
Remember Jesus Loves You!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Evening Randomocity (24Sept09)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Flow in Worship Conference
Come and Worship With us!
Also, get more information on the Live CD/DVD Recording of Rotoya Williams and the True Worship Experience Movement at the website.
As Always you can Follow Me, or Set Apart, Poke Me, Add Me, and Email Me at
You will always be able to reach me!
Know that I love you, and I pray to be able to see you all this weekend! It will really be a blessing to you.
Friday, September 11, 2009
A Sweet Sound...2
I had a chance to listen to 2 new albums that just hit the scene! And when I say, they sound good...THEY REALLY SOUND GOOD! I'm glad these two musical ministries have finally gotten it right. Gospel/Christian music does NOT have to be One Dimensional! These 2 new artists on the scene have proved that! Here's a brief review of that.
Amos Saint Jean 'Tell the World'
Brandon Camphor and Oneway 'reGENERATION'
Ok, just to start off this review, I want to say that I absolutely love this album and everything this group is about! They are the epitome of UNASHAMED YOUTH! Now, this is the way to start a career in music! Brandon Camphor and Oneway's Fresman album is seriously a contender for album of the year in the DMV. Fresh, new, exciting and powerful are all characteristics that describe this album. From the intro to the closing song! AWESOME PRAISE AND WORSHIP!!!! This youth group is regenerating the DNA of today's youth, and bringing to the forefront a lifestyle of Holy Living in the days of youth. Dont be fooled, though young, this music is not just to make you dance and go off, but it brings a message of change to this nation. With the belief that they can change the world, Brandon Camphor and Oneway is well on their way to fulfilling this mission. My favorite off the album, is Everything I Need! That Dag' on Jayna (Soprano/Oneway) !!!!! Sounds so good! Of course Bless the Lord, written by my man Fred Cleveland (Tenor/Oneway), and Angie Marie (Alto/Oneway) sounds so mature and settled on Faithful is Our God. And of course the Leader/Founder Brandon Camphor who is no stranger to the booth, did an phenomenal job on the entire album, especially on For You Glory! You need this in your collection! You need this in your collection! YOU NEED THIS IN YOUR COLLECTION! Its so worth it. Pick up the album Here! Check out the Myspace Page. Where you can get some of Brandon's solo tunes, as well as check out where Oneway will be next! And of course you Twitter Fiends, follow him here! Oneway also has a Youtube page! Check it out! Help out the First Week Sales and purchase this album Like Now! Lets support our own! Got me? Good!
Well, these 2 albums are great for you to have! You need to check them out! Get wit it! If you want me to do a review of an album, let me know! Send your requests to my email I have gotten your emails and requests, and I ask, be patient! Ima get to em'! Of course you can follow me Here! Definately follow Set Apart! We about to do some awesome things! Need you to keep in touch!
As always, know that I love you, but God Himself is Love! So who better to love you best, but God! Stay wit it!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
II Chr. 7:14 Lord, Heal our Land...
I think this is the craziest thing I have ever seen.
I mean come on, give the Prez a break!
I mean truthfully, why in the world do people have a problem with this.
I mean I wouldn't care who came and spoke to my child about STAYING IN SCHOOL!
This is crazy! I mean this guy J. Greer had nothing positive to say or important to say, this is crazy. I mean this is just crazy! I dont understand this!
I mean this is crazy, i cnt stop saying this. I dont understand why people who would R...E...A...C...H so far just to get mad over this.
Im so done...Father heal this land! II Chr. 7:14
"...If my people which are called by name, would humble themselves and pray, seek my face, turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and HEAL THEIR LAND!..."
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Three of My Favorite Videos
Amos St. Jean 'Tell The World'
My All time Favorite Video!
I think this concept is sooo hot!
Hillsong 'Mighty to Save'
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Morning Randomosity August 27, 2009 'Thankful for Grace...'
Morning Randomocity! Check it out!
Follow me on Twitter
Also Follow Set Apart on Twitter
Check me out on Facebook
Check out the Set Apart Myspace page to see where we will be.
Come Worship With Us!
Luv you guys!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Daily Purity ~Ezekiel 28 -29 ~ '...they shall know that I am the Lord their God.'
I was studying the word today, and was reading Ezekiel Chapters 28 and 29. It was speaking of the king of Tyre who was condemened and the prophecy against Egypt.
The King of Tyre was a king who thought he had done it all of his own power. He suffered from a disease the disease of pride. He was led by what he saw. If you read the chapter while Ezekiel prophesied he also started describing Satan and his fall (vs. 12-19).
The next chapter talked about the phophecy against Egypt and the judgement that was upon that land. A wonderul artistic, treasure full city, was known by God for their sins they commited, and for their unrighteousness they were condemened.
The thing that stuck out the most, is that in all that was done, God's agenda was that the people would know that He was God.
In the midst of evil leaders, unrighteous decisions, unlawful practices God's name was tainted and often overshawdowed by the wrongdoing of that time. God condemened because the people's wants and desires were selfish and God's name was not glorified.
Above all in our lives, lets make sure that God's name is glorified and lifted up above all. Lets make sure in all we do that the people know that He is God, and Lord of all!
Closing Prayer
We thank You God, and ask for your forgiveness! Thank you Lord for Peace of Mind, Love, Joy and Grace. We thank You for the gifts you presented us, and the mind to do, but God let us not overshadow you, nor let us forget you. But let our desires line up with your will for us! Help us to remember you in the midst of all we do!
We thank You God, because we were lost, but you found us. We were blind and you gave us sight, and though we walked in death, you gave us newness of life, and we thank you.
In Jesus' name, Amen!
Love you guys!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Daily Purity~'Not my strength' Psalms 71:16
Taking a small break from the Holiness Living Series, I wanted to share something with you, that I recieved from God's word while studying.
I was getting my car worked on this morning, and I pulled out my bible while in the waiting area, and I continued my daily devotionals of the book of Psalms. I am currently on chapter 71. God showed me this verse today and it blew my mind. A simple verse really, but it opened up my heart to recieve this pure instruction from God to 'Go, with the strength of God...'
To all leaders, visionaries and go-getters. To all my musicians, singers, ministers of music. To every pastor, bishop and apostle. Be careful not to try to go out and win souls on your own strength. Because your own strength is not strong enough to carry you to where God needs you to be.
Remember this, that a Christians greatest asset is their weakness. A leaders greatest strength is their inability not their ability. Many think this to be a contridiction, but I beg to differ. For in our weakest point God says that His strength would be made strong. The word says in 2 Corinthians 12:9 "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." Look closely at what this scripture is saying. God is speaking here and He is saying 'My Grace is sufficient for thee:..." meaning God's grace is all you need. Then God goes on to say that His strength is made perfect in our weakness. So with that being said, there is simply one question to ask. 'Whose strength/ability do you rely on?'
As great as a singer you are, to reach the lost your strength/ability is not enough. It takes the strength of God. As awesome a worship leader you are, you will never teach exactly what needs to be taught unless you are bound by the power of God, and not relying on your own ability to do. As strong a pastor or teacher you are, your strength is nothing compared to the Strength of God.
So I admonish you ministers of the gospel, singers, leaders, administrators and the like, "Go..." in the strength of the Lord, and rely not upon your own ability. For it is in our weakness that God's strength is made perfect. Then we can declare as Paul did, "...Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."
If we recognize our limitations, we will not congratulate ourselves. Instead we will turn to God to seek pathways for effectiveness.
1 Corinthians 2:5 says "That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the Power of God." I have learned not to put my trust in the wisdom of men, neither in their ability to do. They do well, but my heart is fixed to trust in the power of God. Whenever I go to minister, I boast in my inability and my weaknessess and that is where I get my strength my power to reach souls. As a Christian artist that should be our greatest gain, to see a soul saved, to see the children of God, come back home. To do that, we need more power then just what we have. We must rely on the power of God.
So, to all those who minister the word of God through song, over the pulpit or wherever, remember to go with the Strength of God, and not boasting or believing in your own ability, because compared to God...we are dust.
Closing Prayer
Father, we pray for forgiveness from all unrighteousness. Forgive us of anything that is not of you, Take away all sin and have us to decrease that you may increase in us. Father help us to go to wherever you have us to go, not relying on our own ability, rather relying on your strength. We know that our own strength is not able to take us to where we need to be, nor is it able to build us up to who we were created to be. Our own ability is not good enough to reach those who need to be reached. To take hold of the promise that seems unreachable, I need your strength to be able to get there. God allow us to look toward you, and cast our faith upon you. For you are great and mighty and your strength is unsearchable.
Thank You Lord, for we once were lost, but you found us. We were blind but you gave us sight, and we walked in death, but now in newness of life...and we thank You.
In Jesus' name, Amen!
Back to the Holiness Living Series Soon!
Check back and make sure to subscribe/follow!
Hey follow
Check out these artists, making a sizable difference with their music! Lets 'Go' guys...unashamed and with the strength of the Lord!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Daily Purity~ Holiness Living Series: Book of James~Unwavering Faith James 1:5-8
Greetings World,
I pray all is well with you. After reading this scripture I wanted to share just a little with you.
(5)We must first know that the 'wisdom' that James is talking about is not only knowledge by the ability to make wise decisions in difficult circumstances. Wisdom is practical discernment. Wisdom itself begins with respect for God, leads to living right and results to increased ability to tell right from wrong. If we need wisdom, we must know that we can only obtain Godly wisdom from God. God is willing to give us this wisdom; but we wont recieve this wisdom if our goals that we have set are self-centered instead of God-centered. Make sure your goals are centered upon God, and His will for your life. You will gain the will for your life through the reading of God's word. It is the light that will lead you in the right direction.
(6) Know that God does not grant every selfish or throughtless request that we make. To 'ask in faith' means to ask God with confidence. And not just boldness but the confidence that will align our desires with his purposes. Also know that a mind that wavers is not completely convinced that God's way is the best way. A mind that wavers treats God's word like an opinion or human advice. A mind that wavers vacillates between feelings, the world's ideas and God's commands. In order to stabalize a wavering or doubtful mind, one must wholeheartedly submit their lives to God. A process of surrendering to him. Submit your life to him and allow your wavering thoughts to be solely submitted unto God.
(6-8) If you have ever seen the constant rolling of huge waves at sea, you know how restless they are. The waves are subject to the forces of wind, gravity and the tide. Doubt leaves one as unsettled as the restless waves at sea. If you want to stop being tossed around, you must rely on God to reveal to you what is best for you and your life. Ask Him for wisdom, without wavering, and trust He will supply it for you. Then, and only then, will your decisions and thoughts be sure.
Closing Prayer
Father, we ask you Lord to first forgive us of our sins. Cleanse us of any unrighteousness and help yeild our lives over to you. God we commit our lives wholeheartedly to you so that you can restructure our minds. Lord, forgive us for wavering when coming to you for something. Help us to have our minds focused on you. We desire wisdom within our hearts, so that we make correct decisions and make the right choices. And we pray father that our desires for this life will align with your purposes, your will for our life. For your will is what and all we desire for our lives.
And we thank you Lord because we once were lost, but now are we found. We were blind, but you gave us sight, and we did walk in death, but now we walk in newness of life, and we thank you.
In Jesus' name, Amen!
Hey make sure to subscibe/follow blog. And follow me on and Set Apart as well And request Set Apart to come to your event, we want to come worship with you. Just email and our Admin will get the ball rolling. Luv you all, but remember God is love; so who better to love you best, but God!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Evening Randomocity
I was lying in the bed, and I just wanted to blog this.
I had an awesome day in church. Morning service was churchy, yet annointed. And evening service was great. We had a guess preacher, the Elder William Mcmillian. Pastor of the Rehobeth Ministries COGIC of Lisbon,MD.
He preached a great message of waiting for ur due season. He tied in Psalms 1 which was so awesome to me because I never tied waiting for ur due season with everyday living as he did. It was so relevant and to the point. The message itself took us to a great praise and worship session towards end the service. God's presence was so evident. Wow what a service.
Well i'm in the bed now. Resting up for the coming week. We will continue our study of the book of James. Didn't get a chance to blog it as I wanted to but God did give me a lot concerning this book as of yet. Can't wait to impart that with u.
I'm gonna get some rest now, a lot to work on this week, gotta start the week of correct.
Hey Remember God Loves you and He is waiting for you to love Him back. Won't u come back to Him? If ur not where u should be, remember Jesus' love and that He died for you. He gave His life upon cross for u, because He loves You. And He cares for you. Don't let it be too late, He is waiting for u and He will wait and wait till you come back.
Make sure u follow me on twitter,, and Set Apart has a lot of engagements coming up, come worship with us we would love to see ya! Follow us Make sure to subscibe nd follow the blog. Check me out on facebook, and myspace as well, Hey bring Set Apart to ur next event. We want to worship with u! Email us at
Hey I love u all, and remember so does Jesus! Peace, live outloud live...UNASHAMED!!!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
A Sweet Sound...
I recently drove down to Myrtle Beach for vacation and forgot to update my music collection. Needless to say I put my old faithful's in the system and was good. But during long drives I don't like singing, rather I like listening and taking the music in.
While in SC, I picked up a couple of albums and was throughly impressed spirtually and musically with all the albums.
Needless to say, on the way back I was in great condition and made it home safely. Check out these must have albums...

Well let me first start off by saying that I am glad that there are people out there who are not afraid to try different things in music. Brandon is one of those people. Judging from this album you would be a fool not to believe that Brandon is simply a lover of good music. This album has something for everybody, from the pop/soul vibes of Give Me Your Eyes, to the song of hope He's not Finish With Me Yet, to the Beautiful ballad Love Never Fails to the Love song London, this album is spectaular. This Dove Award Winner has an album that the world needs to hear. Go pick this up its a very encouraging album that focuses on the hope in God.
Hillsong United 'Across the Earth'
Well, all who knows =DG, knows that I am a die-hard Hillsong Supporter. I am truly a fanatic. Their passion for Christ, their heart for winning souls and their awesome worship music. Their style of writing is that in which i try to model after. Songs that reach the heart of God. Throughout the years, these great musicians have given us some of the greatest music the world has ever heard. Such songs as Inside Out, Found and At the Cross. This album, Tear Down the Walls, is no different. From songs as Desert Song to the decleration title track Tear Down the Walls, this Hillsong United album is an album for worshippers to pick up and place in their collection.
Starfield 'I Will Go'

Well, I have found a new group that I love. I first heard this band on WRBS Shine FM (95.1). They sang a song off of their latest album, I Will Go, named Hosanna. You all know that song, it was penned by the Brooke Fraser (Shadowfeet) and ministered on the Hillsong United album with Brooke on the vocals. One of those many songs that Hillsong has graciously given the world. Once I heard this band doing it, I fell in love with their sound. A fresh sounding band that mixes between Hillsong, David Crowder Band and Mercy Me. Their hit song is a song named Reign In Us. The out front lyrics hit you and captivate the believer to gaining a new sense of the presence of God. This group, whose first and second album were also great (1st Album 'Self-Titled'/ 2nd Album 'Broken in the Beauty') has so much to offer Christian Music lovers. If you see this in your nearest book store, don't pass it up! Please dont miss a chance to listen to greatness.
Heather Headley 'Audiance of One'
Heather Headley has one of the most beautiful voices of all time. With a sultry and confident voice, Heather expresses her faith in God and her belief in a Love that is beyond this world. From songs such as Ordinary Me and Power of the Cross to the dramatic and beautiful instrumentation displayed on the I Need Thee Melody, to the excellently rendered cover songs Simply Redeemed, Jesus Is Love and Here I am to Worship, Heather shows that she is not only a great vocalist, but a worshipper. Definately an album to pick up. Dont pick up this album if you looking to dance and go crazy. Definately an album for smooth rides on I-95 and to chill out with. Great album nonetheless, and you should pick it up.
Jeremy Camp 'Unplugged, Live in Franklin, TN'

Michael W. Smith 'A New Hallelujah'
Every song on this album is phenomenal! Im not just saying this because I absolutely love M.W. (By the way thats what I call him, I call him M.W) As always, M.W makes great worship music, music that changes atmostphers and allows the process of 'faith to rise' This new album A New Hallelujah is a great compilation of praise and worship songs that speak to a nation about a God who is so great and above all. My personal favorite off of the album, Deep in love with you and Grace! Awesome songs. He also does a rendition of a couple Hillsong numbers such as Mighty to Save and Shout unto God. Along with the fun number The River is Rising and the praise and worship title track A New Hallelujah! This album is for everyone, and you must get it, like now!
Natalie Grant 'Relentless'
What can I say? If you don't know about Natalie Grant, you are missing out on probably one of the best vocalists of our time. She proved her greatness to me (and who am I) on her previous album Awaken, but she totally blew me away with this spectacular album; Relentless. This album is filled with awesome music that encourage the christian not to let go, not to step down, not to relent. We are told not to lose hope in Our Hope Endures and we blessed and encouraged with her single Perfect People. Her rendition of In Christ Alone is probably the best I've heard. My Favorite on the album is a beautiful balad, Make a Way(Brittney's Song). This is one of my favorite albums right now, because it has so much to offer. This is a must have for anybody who loves good Christian music and who doesn't want to compromise great sound. Relenless is the way to go.
And Last But Certainly not Least, My Pick of the Post...
Merdith Andrews 'The Invitation'
=DG's Pick=

Hey, want me to review an album, let me know. I will listen and put my views up here on the blog. I love listening to new music, and I want to share it with you. Email me your requests at or hit me up on or send me an S.O.S. signal. For any more information on any of these artist, let me know i will help you out!
'A Sweet sound in the ears of God...' listen for yourself, and dont take my word for it!
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Remember, Jesus Loves You...
Monday, August 10, 2009
Daily Purity~ Holiness Living Series:The Book of James~ Temptation James 1:1-4
First off, Greetings to you! I'm excited about our dive into the word this month! For our first-timers, Welcome! This month, we will be going deeper into the word of God, and studying the book of James! Throughout the week, I will put up different posts about the word of God concerning this book. The topic of the month is Holiness Living. The posts will not be long, but something to ponder on throughout your day.
Lets go...
Firstly James tells his brethren to '...count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations.' We must realize here that the word 'temptation' is used and referred to as trials and testing. It does not mean an enticement to do evil. God does test us and place trials in our way, but none leads or provokes us to sin. (See James 1: 12-16)
Its also a good thing to know that the word doesn't say 'if' we fall into divers temptations. James says 'when...' meaning we will go through temptations, and we will face them. The great thing about this is that we can profit from these temptations.
James lets us know that the these temptations are the trying of our faith (vs3) and the trying of our faith worketh patience.
James then lets us know in verse 4 that we are not to stop there, but be patient and wait for your perfection to come.
We can never really know the depth of our character until we see how we react under pressure. God desires to make us mature and complete ('perfect') not to keep us from pain, instead have the strength to go through it.
Instead of complaining about our struggles, we should see them as opportunities for growth. Thank God for promising to be with you in rough times. Ask Him to help you solve your problems or give you the strength to endure them. Then be patient.
Yes, stand still, chill patient!
God will not leave you alone with your problems; He will stay close by and help you grow.
Closing Prayer~
Father, we thank you for this day, and the brand new mercies you've presented us. Forgive for us for any unrighteousness, and any iniquity that may be within us. God, we want to say thank you for the temptations or the trials you have permitted to come our way. We know that the struggles and trials we face worketh paticence in me. God give us a greater measure of patience, that we may be perfect in your sight. Lord, also give us strength to resist complaining, for we know that this is for our good, and our perfecting.
We thank you God, for we once were lost, but you found us. We were blind, but you gave us sight, and we walked in death, but now we walk in newness of life. And we thank You!
In Jesus's name we pray!
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and follow the Christian music ministry of Set Apart
...and remember Jesus Loves You!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Evening Randomosity
So my thoughts oh yeah! So, Set Apart is doing some shows toward the end of the month! Want yall to come out! I will post the dates and details soon, so stay tuned to the blog and follow SA on Hey are you having something at your church or having an event coming up soon, and looking for someone to lead worship, invite Set Apart. We would love to be apart. Email us at and we will get the ball rolling.
2nd random thought, as I listen to Natalie Grant on the radio, I believe she is about the greatest christian female singer out there, followed closely by Meredith Andrews! But Natalie agrant is just so explosive and live she is crazy! Ugh, sometimes I wish I could sing! But God had another plan! Lol!
Im wondering what God will reveal to me in this book of James that we discuss! I cnt wait to go deeper and daily purify myself with the word of God. Whoooo can't wait!
Wow Mandisa can Sangggg!!!! Im now jammin' to 'I don't wanna gain the whole world and lose my soul...' I love TobyMac! And yeah 2 CD's to have in your collection of course my favorite worship band Hillsong United's new album 'Tear down these Walls', simply a must have! The other is Brandon Heath's album 'give me ur eyes'! OMG! That CD is awesome! Like, wow! Such great music!
Ok off to bed I love u all! Good night World!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Daily Purity: The Holiness Living Series~Studying the Book of James Aug3-Aug31
I wanted to issue a challenge to live Holy. Simple right...
Well, you would be surprised how many just won't live Holy. Let me briefly explain Holiness. Holiness is not a denomination. Nor a separation of church. Its a way of living. Holiness...
Its not down home, foot stomping, organ pumping, feet tapping church. No, its not falling out, foaming at the mouth and dancing until your weave falls out and your points get dents!!
No, its a way of living, that the Christian should embrace with all diligence.
On facebook, I have been asked many times why I have the middle name of Habakkuk. Well that name means to 'embrace' or 'to cling to'...I have took the name because I diligently embrace holiness as a lifestyle. I have searched the scriptures about holiness, and one book always comes up in my search, the book of James. The entire book of James is a great resource on living holy. So I have decided for to study it deeper, and share it with you all, as I learn.
For the next couple of weeks, I will be diligently studying the book of James. Will you join me?
All 5 chapters.
We will be hitting it up James 1-5 and looking at the scriptures at a more closer and personal level. Going deeper in the word...
The Book is summarized in 5 chapters, and 5 parts of a Christians lifestyle:
Chapter 1 The Confident Stand ~ What a Christian Has
Chapter 2 Compassionate Service ~ What a Christian does
Chapter 3 Careful Speech ~ What a Christian says
Chapter 4 Contrite Submission ~ What a Christian feels
Chapter 5 Concerned Sharing ~ What a Christian gives
Join me, in this study of the book of James, and lets Live Holy!
The Holiness Living Series~James 1-5 The Month of August!
Hey Subscribe to the Blog and keep up with us!
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and follow Set Apart the music ministry
Luv you all, and remember Jesus loves You!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Daily Purity Psalms 48:3 'A Good Rep...'
Greetings World,
I pray everybody is doing well, and in the favor of the Lord. Im greatly pleased today and living with anticipation of my much needed vacation next week. I have been looking foward to this time of rest and relaxation for months now, and if the Lord says the same, sunday morn, I will be headed south for a little over a week. Will you pray for me as I go? That the hand of the enemy be put down and the God's protection be over me and my family as we depart? Thank You, and I appreciate it.
God has been leading me in the book of Psalms lately. He showed me this particular scripture this morning and it captured my attention.
While reading the first few verses of chapter 48 you will see that the writer speaks of the Greatness of God. Ok, well we already know God is a Great God. As a matter of fact we know that God is Great, Almighty, Wonderful, Awesome and Powerful. What makes this scripture unique is that the writer is speaking of the Greatness of God, within a certain city. The scriptrue refers it to Mt. Zion, also known as Jerusalem, the Holy City of the Jews. The writer throughout this chapter speaks of the greatness of God in the city of Jerusalem. He was praised and honored and thought of highly. He was exhalted and lifted up. You could say God had a...good reputation in that city.
Why is a reputation so important? Its importance is not based on what you think, but what others see you as.
While in NJROTC back in high school, our company participated in plenty of drill meets in and around the county. High school kids from all over Maryland would ascend into one school from morning to evening, performing the drill steps that were rehearsed day in and day out. It was rarely any fun, but very interesting.
Out of all the schools that participated in these drill meets there was one school who exceeded in everything. Milford Mill Academy Marine Corps JROTC. They always won first place in every competition during the meet. Armed, Unarmed, Exhibition, Squad, Platoon, Color Guard. You name it, they conquored it. They were great. I guess you could say that they had a good reputation in our county. We always knew they were going to win. Its not that we didn't try, it was just that they were better then us.
Well, they had all the respect in the county. But their reputation wasn't just noticed within the county, but their reputation was noticed by others outside out county, and they literally reached national status as one of the best schools in the nation. So good, that soon kids were being registered into the school at early ages just to get into the program. People knew about them well before they even seen them. Their reputation was just that great.
Well, thats just it. God's reputation went out before Him into other cities. Besides Jerusalem, others heard of the Greatness of God, and heard of the almighty power of God and came to love God because of His reputation.
Vs. 3 says that He was known in her (Jerusalem) city as a refuge. God was known to be a deliverer, a defender a savior to the city. That was his reputation. That's what He was known for and many would soon come to Christ because they were looking for refuge themselves. So they went to that city to find refuge. Just like parents of young middle school kids would register their child up in the program, they registered them because of the programs reputation to help a child become polite and disciplinded. Many come to Christ, because of the reputation that He has in the life of others who proclaim it. Its our job to let the world know what God has done in our lives so that we may draw others to Christ.
What will His reputation be in your life? What will God be known for in your life on this earth? A Deliverer? A Mighty Hand? A Healer? Whatever it may be, make it known to the world! The latter part of Vs. 13 says "...that ye may tell it to the generation following." Psalms 45:17 "I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise thee for ever and ever." Let the world know about Jesus!
My Big Bro ASJ says "Tell The World...Tell the Nation...That only what you do for Christ will last!"
Tell everybody about Jesus, and what He is in your life. Let His reputation be as it was in Jerusalem! A refuge... A Great God!
Closing Prayer
Father, we come to you today asking for your forgiveness for any unrighteousness that may be within us. Cleanse us God and purify us for your use. Lord, give us a boldness to proclaim your great name within our lives. As the people of the city of Jerusalem, help us to lift up your name and declare to all Your greatness, Your power and Your awesomeness. For You are our refuge, in the time of trouble. Your word says that You are very present help! Thank You! We will forever give You glory and forever lift You up. Help us to cry aloud to all generations Your greatness, and we will be so careful to give your name the priase and honor.
For we were once blind, but You gave us sight, we were lost but You found us, and we did walk in death but now we walk in life...and we thank You!
In Jesus' name we pray,
Remember Jesus Loves you, and So do I!
God Bless